Ron Paul on Jay Leno

Those links were to address the various points the author was trying to make.

this part here just seems loony to me for some reason...:bgpimp:

Sign the petition telling Congress that about a million Iraqis have likely been killed since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. Help us expose to Congress the true costs of war.
yeah it's probably only 100-200k iraqi dead.

winky approves, but i do think he would appreciate higher numbers.
Ron Paul is the man!

The only good Iraqi is a dead Iraqi.

hah I wonder what the man in the street
really thinks of his country now that it is no longer ruled by Saddam.
Bet he thinks its worse than before.

Now they've only themselves to blame for being lame.
as if

bailing out the banks, brokerage houses, fanny freddie and GM were good investments?
ummm nope... you should learn consistency in your fiscal discipline, and not look the other way when it's rah rah go team.
they didn't drag us to iraq and dump at least a trillion dollars on something that will begin to unravel... about now...