Ron Paul on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno - March 20, 2012

ron's commentary is not bad. his stance on abortion is at least respectable.

the paulbot cheering at almost every remark no matter how insignificant was ridiculous, but, it's a cult of personality, so what else might one expect? it's not his fault that he's adored by legions of barely post-pubescent kids that don't understand how an economy works. of course neither does ron.

a thriving capitalist economy requires cheap money.
Just admit that real conservative economic policies would have
an immediate as well as long term beneficial effect on the economy
and you will be allowed to retain some small measure of credibility.

Otherwise you are just pissin’ in the wind, Minx
No wait sorry you prolly wouldn't know a
'conservative economic policy'
if it plooked you in the ass
"By Ron Robins, Founder & Analyst – Investing for the Soul"

i can hardly believe you would cite such a new age fag. let's dance for the earth spirit.


specie money is for tards. it's restrictive to the flow of capital. if you had any idea of what you were talking about you'd understand that i am coming form a strongly capitalist position and it is you that are more in line with some kinda weird reactionary feudalism. maybe you think usury should be illegal too, just like the commie catholic church that prohibited it.
Clearly everything I think is based in non-reality

kinda like how our government has operated for years

so what is this cheap money?
cheap money means it is relatively easy for capital to move around and exist in many places at once, promoting business and economic growth. kinda surprised you don't know this shit. WTF capitalist hero man?

now, "cheap money" can go too far, and we have seen some of that, but in a general sense, something like going back to the gold standard would put a cataclysmic damper on the economy.
So tell us more.

Does the current political climate foster 'cheap money'?

The impending doom of Obamacare
The threat of greater taxation
The out of control government spending
The ever increasing blatant government interference
in private business affairs

and many more

is this what you are making a vague reference too
with the two words 'cheap money'?
no, that is not at all what i was making reference to. that is a bunch of your random assertions gyrating around an imaginary axis of oppression and doom. which attenuates the force of your political speech. if'n you hadn't noticed.

focus, dude. my comment was about ron paul's wacko ideas about throwing the baby out with the buttwater. nothing else.
Well that explains the source of my confusion
as I ignore everything regarding ron paul, he is totally irrelevant

therefore I never click Gothy's links

so I guess this is over as I'm not going to pay
either nutballs' comments any mind