Ron Paul South Carolina CNN Debate Highlights 1/19/2012

"the law will correct the morality of the people" (or vise versa, unclear as to what he actually said, but thematically it seems like probably the latter)?

there it is.

we all know what state's rights are really about.

he did a decent job in not sounding as crazy as he is. he's still a dangerous, idealistic egomaniac.
well, it seems to me generally that a lot of the thrust behind states' rights ambitions is, well, exactly what they do which is put more power at a local level. seems a lot of "local" type folks have moral agendas. in several directions. all stupid. the local crusaders here are vile, insipid creatures. soon they would require us to pass a "sustainability values" screener before proceeding to the voting booth. and then you got the cult kiddie fuckers like warren jeffs. and his local fanbase. meaning jim. hah.

in an economic sense, in very short order this country would be worse off. a zillion more hassles for any business operating across state borders. right. so we'd grow new businesses to compete with transnationals how? we'd become butt fuck egypt.

but then i don't really think washington should tell us what time it is either.

i don't really have an answer.
"the law will correct the morality of the people" (or vise versa, unclear as to what he actually said, but thematically it seems like probably the latter)?

there it is.

we all know what state's rights are really about.

he did a decent job in not sounding as crazy as he is. he's still a dangerous, idealistic egomaniac.

You quoted Ron Paul incorrectly. The laws reflect the morality of the people.

Yeah, we call it competition, variety or flavor.

We don't like the one ring to rule them all. We like the idea where many places with a variance of laws and regulation so we can choose an area that reflects the values we hold. Some places will be intense government control with high taxes and many social programs whereas others will have little government intervention and lower taxes and fewer social programs etc.

People will go where they can best flourish and that affords competition between locations and thus balance.

When you have one set rules controlling every place, there is no balance and the central government fucks everyone as they wish.

Whats wrong with giving the power to the people in their communities.
thanks buddy. it means the same thing. but i would not want to pervert the gospel as spoken.

No, it does not. Let's take a look!

"the law will correct the morality of the people" would mean that making racism illegal would make people not racist. Quite silly.

"The laws reflect the morality of the people." would mean that a racist people would make racism legal. Quite logical.

OH! I see now. You think Ron Paul supporter are just a bunch a pot heads? Hmm.....using a rather small detail that Ron Paul would not make it a federal crime against drugs.

Tell me, if drugs were legalized would you use them then? Would that change anything about you? How about anyone else you know who is not using illegal drugs already?

Ron Paul would legalize drugs at the federal level, not state level. All state laws against certain drugs would still apply. Ron Paul is quite an amazing character as he is a living Founding Father. He is for the Constitution. There is no authority granted to the federal government in making drugs illegal.

Does this appeal to the pot heads? Sure. However, is this the primary factor in supporting him? No way.
Yeah Goth, I think a core base of Paul'rs are pot heads exclusively. ....but I don't see anything in that picture that implies "pot-smoker", those kids don't look so bad. You seem to be projecting your own *something* here.

Another funny assumption, you actually think drugs being illegal would prevent me from doing them at will+. LOL, no. I don't operate like that.

I personally believe drugs should be legal, as long the tax payer doesn't have to foot the bill for your fucked-off life and resulting medical care. It's a comapssionate way to thin the herd as far as I'm concerned.

"Living founding father" ???? WTF does that even mean?

Still, nobody here can prove that's not you and your friends in that photo.

Meanwhile the real debate continues in my household....

No, it does not. Let's take a look!

"the law will correct the morality of the people" would mean that making racism illegal would make people not racist. Quite silly.

"The laws reflect the morality of the people." would mean that a racist people would make racism legal. Quite logical.

yes, it does go both ways, doesn't it? they carry the seed of one another, and if you don't understand that...

and just because it is SILLY does not mean that the attempt won't be made. that's played out just a few times before, boi wonder.

you really need to get out of the kiddie pool.
Yeah Goth, I think a core base of Paul'rs are pot heads exclusively. ....but I don't see anything in that picture that implies "pot-smoker", those kids don't look so bad. You seem to be projecting your own *something* here.

This seems to be the general sentiment I gather, not my own projection.

Another funny assumption, you actually think drugs being illegal would prevent me from doing them at will+. LOL, no. I don't operate like that.

I didn't say that. But it does seem people think that if drugs were legalized tomorrow it would create an epidemic of drug abusers. The war on drugs is a complete failure. It is quite easy to obtain them.

I personally believe drugs should be legal, as long the tax payer doesn't have to foot the bill for your fucked-off life and resulting medical care. It's a comapssionate way to thin the herd as far as I'm concerned.

This is what Ron Paul wants. What do you have against him then?

"Living founding father" ???? WTF does that even mean?

Ron Paul is the embodiment of the Founding Fathers.

Still, nobody here can prove that's not you and your friends in that photo.

Would it really make a difference if I was?

Meanwhile the real debate continues in my household....


I'd pick up my recreational drug habit from the late 70's with a vengeance.

Where can I get those insulin rigs we used to shoot up with?