Ron Paul Unleashes On TSA: “Enough Is Enough”


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Congressman introduces legislation to block immunity for federal goons who ‘treat Americans like cattle’

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, November 18, 2010

In perhaps his most impassioned and irate speech to date, Congressman Ron Paul unleashed a tirade of vilification at the TSA and their security procedures that have stoked nationwide outrage, stating “enough is enough” as he introduced new legislation to that would open the way for TSA employees to be sued for groping Americans or putting them through dangerous naked body scanners, preventing travelers ‘from being treated like cattle’.

During a speech on the House floor last night, Paul said that the treatment Americans were being subjected to at airports proved that the country as a whole needs to stand up and tell the federal government, “enough is enough”.

“Imagine if the political elites in our country were forced to endure the same conditions at the airport as business travelers, families, senior citizens, and the rest of us. Perhaps this problem could be quickly resolved if every cabinet secretary, every member of Congress, and every department head in the Obama administration were forced to submit to the same degrading screening process as the people who pay their salaries,” roared the Congressman.

“Something has to be done,” Paul implored. “Everybody’s fed up. The people are fed up. The pilots are fed up. I’m fed up.”

Visibly infuriated, Paul said the traveling public were being treated like farmyard animals.

“If this doesn’t change, I see what has happened to the American people is we have accepted the notion that we should be treated like cattle. Make us safe, make us secure, put us in the barbed wire, feed us, fatten us up, and then they’ll eat us. And we are a bunch of cattle and we have to wake up and say we’ve had it…. It’s time for the American people to stand up and shrug off the shackles of our government at TSA at the airport,” he raged, encouraging people to support the national opt out day planned for November 24.

Paul’s legislation, the “American Traveler Dignity Act,” is expertly crafted because it gives the feds no room to maneuver. If he had merely called for an end to certain pat down techniques, the government could have weasled out of it by invoking terror threats or changing semantics. However, once it is established that TSA employees are not immune to assault and harassment lawsuits, they will avoid groping Americans for fear of being sued. Numerous lawsuits of this nature are already in motion.

Paul also addresses the use of naked body scanners, similarly opening the way for the TSA to be directly sued for producing images that are tantamount to pornography, and pedophilia in the case of children.

The bill is brief and gets straight to the point.


To ensure that certain Federal employees cannot hide behind immunity.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


No law of the United States shall be construed to confer any immunity for a Federal employee or agency or any individual or entity that receives Federal funds, who subjects an individual to any physical contact (including contact with any clothing the individual is wearing), x-rays, or millimeter waves, or aids in the creation of or views a representation of any part of a individual’s body covered by clothing as a condition for such individual to be in an airport or to fly in an aircraft. The preceding sentence shall apply even if the individual or the individual’s parent, guardian, or any other individual gives consent.

Indeed, the district attorney’s office in San Mateo County, California has already promised to pursue charges against TSA employees whose behavior equates to sexual battery.

“If it is skin to skin, if someone were to take their hand and put it underneath somebody’s blouse and touch someone inappropriately and go skin to skin, that’s a felony, and if it’s done simply over the clothing, according to California law, that’s a misdemeanor,” said DA Steve Wagstaffe.

As we documented in the case of radio host Owen JJ Stone, the TSA is now ordering its workers to stick their hands down people’s pants and touch genitalia. In another case, TSA agents pulled down a 21-year-old woman’s blouse and started laughing and joking about her exposed breasts while other TSA workers expressed their wish to obtain video of the incident, presumably so they could masturbate over the naked woman.

TSA abuse is now so wildly out of control that new cases are emerging on a daily basis. In the latest example, a woman from Ohio had her breasts and vagina aggressively groped by a TSA worker at Dayton International Airport last week. Read about her experience here and watch the video below.

Napolitano, Pistole, and the rest of the feds hoped that they could lie and deceive the American people into backing down on this issue. Now the revolt against the TSA is growing bigger every day and shows no signs of abating. Indeed, some are even speculating that we could be witnessing the embryonic stages of a new rebellion that will lead to a fundamental shift in America’s political landscape, just as the end the fed rallies in 2007 and the town hall fury we witnessed in 2009 led to the creation of the Tea Party and the wider move against big government.

We need to throw all our support behind Ron Paul’s bill and hold lawmakers’ feet to the fire on this issue until the TSA’s power is completely rolled back if not the organization abolished altogether and airport security handed back to professional and credible organizations whose main concern is rational and successful security and not the ritual humiliation and degradation of the American people.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.


Florida airport to opt out of TSA screening

Ken Tyndall
November 18, 2010

The backlash continues over those new TSA screening measures, and now one Central Florida airport has decided to go with a private security screening firm.

Orlando Sanford International Airport has decided to opt out from TSA screening.

“All of our due diligence shows it’s the way to go,” said Larry Dale, the director of the Sanford Airport Authority. “You’re going to get better service at a better price and more accountability and better customer service.”

Dale says he will be sending a letter requesting to opt out from TSA screening, and instead the airport will choose one of the five approved private screening companies to take over.


That is the way to go.
TSA Abuse Opens the Door to Resistance

Daniel Taylor
Old-thinker News
November 18, 2010

September 11th, 2001 marked the beginning of a decade of fear and trembling, and the people of the United States were drawn to the ever expanding federal government for protection. Homeland Security was created and new security measures were imposed, both largely accepted by the populace. Today, nearly a decade after the tragic events of 9/11, resistance has been sparked by the outrageously intrusive security measures on part of the Transportation Security Administration.

The TSA’s “enhanced patdowns”, which have entailed putting hands down passengers pants, have caused wide-spread outrage. Airports are recognizing the extent of the discontent, as Florida’s Sanford airport is opting out of TSA screening, choosing instead to use a private security firm.

Alexis de Tocqueville’s study of history showed him that societies more often than not fall into tyranny. In his 1835 book Democracy in America, Tocqueville wrote, “A nation that asks nothing of government but the maintenance of order is already a slave in the depths of its heart; it is a slave of its well-being, ready for the man who will put it in chains.”

The issue of TSA abuse is a high profile case of tyranny and debasement that is reminding the nation of this central truth which Tocqueville knew, that “…despotism corrupts the person who submits to it far more than the person who imposes it.”

The widespread media attention to growing resistance against TSA abuse is showing America that they are not alone in their anger. The public is now asking; If government is willing to literally put its hands down your pants, what else is it capable of? Have we let government go too far elsewhere in our society? Should we be letting fusion centers collect information on Americans that have done nothing illegal?

TSA Tactics Find Ominous Parallel in Nazi Germany

Kurt Nimmo
November 21, 2010

The TSA is part of a larger effort to implement a slow motion surveillance and high-tech police state control grid in America. It is an element of the “alternative geography” of the military-corporate-intelligence establishment, an aspect specifically designed to acclimate Americans to the prospect of an ever encroaching police state. The tight integration of the corporate-government aspect of this alternative geography is demonstrated by the relationship the government has with the Chertoff Group, a public relations firm pushing naked body scanners founded by Michael Chertoff, the former boss of the Department of Homeland Security.

The new procedures defended over the weekend by Barry Obama from a NATO summit in Portugal are not about finding the next underwear bomber and protecting the American people from al-Qaeda. The latest procedures are designed to get the American people accustomed to the idea that the police, the alternative geography of the military-corporate-intelligence network, and the government will micro-manage and control the public and eventually all aspects of our private lives. Events reveal that the government is not interested in preventing an al-Qaeda attack, but keeping tabs on and when possible subverting opposition to its power.

Young boy stripped searched by TSA

It took Hitler and the Nazis nearly a decade to impose a murderous police state on the German people. In the wake of the staged burning of the Reichstag in February of 1933, the Nazis suspended the civil liberties of the German people and began a concerted effort to eliminate all opposition to their fascist regime. The Nazis would later stage a false flag incident known as the Gleiwitz incident in order to provide and excuse to invade Poland and start the Second World War.

Left unchallenged, government invariably evolves into a tyrannical force at odds with the interest of the people. Minus effective opposition, the people of Germany had little choice but to support Hitler and his ill-fated war.

It has taken the federal government and its Department of Homeland Security – an agency on the drawing board well before September 11, 2001 – to implement police state tactics in regard to travel that far surpass anything devised by the Nazis.

Even before the attacks of September 11, 2001, the government planned to create and impose a police state control grid on the American people. For instance, the Bill of Rights crushing Patriot Act was devised well before the attack and its predecessor, the 1996 Antiterrorism Act, was rushed into law following the first suspicious attack on the World Trade Center and the equally suspicious attack in Oklahoma City. Habeas corpus law was forever changed by the law touted by then president Bill Clinton.

Armed with its new and draconian palette of laws and mandates, the federal government, including the FBI, the CIA, and the Pentagon, have exploited the September 11 attacks to go after the real enemy – the American people.

Coming soon to an airport near you — strip searches.

The Pentagon has surveilled the antiwar movement and the Department of Homeland Security with its state level partners in Missouri and elsewhere around the country have profiled entirely legal “rightwing” political organizations and individuals as potential terrorists. The corporate media, acting as the establishment’s ministry of propaganda, has amplified this absurd terrorist myth.

As the founders realized, government left to its own devices and unrestrained by the people invariably turns into a tyrannical leviathan. Groping TSA screeners and dangerous radiation naked body scanners are the public visage of the state as it slowly morphs into a high-tech tyranny.

Just as in Nazi Germany, the authorities-that-be are forcing women, children and men to strip search. Now it is happening in the United States of America, a supposedly free country.

President Barry Obama, DHS boss Janet Napolitano, and TSA director John Pistole have said naked body scanners will remain and the sexual molestation at America’s airports will continue.

“I understand how difficult it is, and how offensive it must be for the people who are going through it,” said Secretary of State Clinton today. Clinton said the government is “trying to do the right thing” by expanding the intrusive nature of the police state.

“Clinton has likely rarely, if ever, dealt with metal detectors, explosives swabs, full-body backscatter scanners or pat-downs as an air traveler since she began receiving Secret Service protection with her husband, former President Bill Clinton, in 1992,” reports the Christian Science Monitor.

But then the police state and its ever growing manifestations of surveillance and control are not for the likes of Hillary Clinton and other leaders, officials, and minions of government power.

The growing police state grid is for the American people because since time immemorial government has been an enemy of the people.

nazi references. see that's a real good way to undermine your argument. but...

when cops go too far, they are (well, at least sometimes) held responsible. i'm responsible for my actions. shit the guy at pizza hut is responsible for his. the police academy failures at TSA should not have special immunity.