Ron Paul Wins 2011 Values Voter Summit Straw Poll


Well-Known Member
Kurt Nimmo
October 8, 2011

Ron Paul has won another straw poll, indicating he is the choice for many if not most voting Republicans.

Demonstrating that the influence of establishment Republicans remains strong in the party, Herman Cain came in a distant second.

Cain recently made the news when he said unemployment is basically the fault of the individual and not transnational corporations that have sent most of the decent jobs to slave labor gulags in China and Asia.

Cain is the former boss of the Kansas City Federal Reserve.

Here is the poll breakdown:

Ron Paul – 36.9% (732)
Herman Cain – 22.5% (447)
Rick Santorum – 16.3% (323)
Rick Perry – 8.4% (167)
Michele Bachmann – 7.9% (157)
Mitt Romney – 4.4% (88)
Newt Gingrich – 2.7% (54)
Undecided – 0.7% (13)
Jon Huntsman – 0.1% (2)

Note that the current darling of the global elite, Mitt Romney, comes in at a dismal 4.4%. Even the wash-out and faux Tea Party cowboy Rick Perry does better than Mitt.


OMG cain and the federal reserve! he must be one of those evil genius bilderberg guys!!

you and your silly little straw polls. paul will not get the nomination. cain is way ahead of him, at least as of a couple days ago, in any reasonably respectable poll. and paul will never become a first tier candidate. he's too much of a whining pussy.
i find your boy entertaining. if it were him and obama, well, obama ain't been so entertaining lately... kinda more like morose... so i would vote for cain. of course i would be selling out my towelhead communist homo lovers at that point, but, meh, fuck 'em.
Ron Paul is a Representative. He works for the fed, currently.

What's wrong with a fair tax, or THE fair tax?
Ron Paul is a Representative. He works for the fed, currently.

What's wrong with a fair tax, or THE fair tax?

When I said "Fed", I meant the Federal Reserve. By the way, the Federal Reserve is as "Federal" as Federal Express.

The Fair Tax seeks to replace the Income Tax once it is eliminated. The problem here is that the Federal government spends too much, not low revenue.


Reagan's Grace Commission found:

Resistance to additional income taxes would be even more widespread if people were aware that:

  • One-third of all their taxes is consumed by waste and inefficiency in the Federal Government as we identified in our survey.
  • Another one-third of all their taxes escapes collection from others as the underground economy blossoms in direct proportion to tax increases and places even more pressure on law abiding taxpayers, promoting still more underground economy-a vicious cycle that must be broken.
  • With two-thirds of everyone's personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt and by Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government.

I worked at a chicken plant in my early days too
Doesn't make me a chicken, but I know the basic working of the plant.

I think that's a good thing.

I like the basic layout of the 9-9-9 plan, but there will need to be
more detail still, before I can say I fully support that.

supports the patriot act?
I believe he said ~90%
The thing is, I believe he'd put the correct people in place to do the job.
I don't particularly agree with him on this. I think the whole thing should
be redone, or scrapped all together.

These few things are not total dis-qualifiers for me though.
None of the candidates 'have ever' 100% in my book, and any of them will be better than Obama.
exactly, and that's the other part of the point.

if a corrupt president holds that office, the office it's self isn't corrupt,
it's the person.
By another token, if the office polices are made corrupt through a person
or persons, then policy needs be changed.

So, because the offices of the fed reserve are (in probability) corrupt,
it doesn't mean it was all bad to start with.

also, there's usually a 'departmental' aspect to big money, and just
as I couldn't make policy for the chicken plant, I may or may not have known
the policies of the other departments.

So, I'm just saying, it's nether here nor there, except that Cain may have some idea of some of the workings,
so he may know where to start the correction, given the chance.
yeah but don't forget, unless we can nullify human drives as gonz apparently thinks we can through devotional pleasantries, some institutional structures are inherently corrupting. the entry criterion for playing the game is the achievement of asshole status.

I have all I need & most of what i want.

Run along & chase the Jones. I'm busy with my fulfilling life.
no gonz that wasn't an invitation to get all moral and faggy. i was just pointing out that you were not in a position to comment with any authority. glad you are happy, sweetie.

exactly, and that's the other part of the point.

if a corrupt president holds that office, the office it's self isn't corrupt,
it's the person.
By another token, if the office polices are made corrupt through a person
or persons, then policy needs be changed.

So, because the offices of the fed reserve are (in probability) corrupt,
it doesn't mean it was all bad to start with.

also, there's usually a 'departmental' aspect to big money, and just
as I couldn't make policy for the chicken plant, I may or may not have known
the policies of the other departments.

So, I'm just saying, it's nether here nor there, except that Cain may have some idea of some of the workings,
so he may know where to start the correction, given the chance.