Ron Paul


New Member
'08 Presidential candidate.

Anyone got any thoughts about him? Interesting Libertarian-type guy. I doubt I'd vote for him but I like to see candidates that stand out like this. I like his stance on the Iraq War, Patriot Act, Foreign Policy and quite a few other things.
I doubt I'd vote for him but I like to see candidates that stand out like this. I like his stance on the Iraq War, Patriot Act, Foreign Policy and quite a few other things.

In that case, no I won't be voting for him. Thanks for saving me the time.
I'm a 90% Libertarian. I like the guy generally... but Libertarian candidates usually have the personality of a funeral director. They simply can't win in this modern dog and pony show style of government.
I prefer the libertarian platform but they are, at this point, unelectable.
No. A white supremacist sent him a donation, and he didn't automatically return it. His public statement was 'Well, now the supremacist have $500 less, and I'm free to spend their money as I choose, not as they might want'
No. A white supremacist sent him a donation, and he didn't automatically return it. His public statement was 'Well, now the supremacist have $500 less, and I'm free to spend their money as I choose, not as they might want'

He received some cash from the Midnight Bunny Ranch as well...
No. A white supremacist sent him a donation, and he didn't automatically return it. His public statement was 'Well, now the supremacist have $500 less, and I'm free to spend their money as I choose, not as they might want'

I like the way he's thinking, but it was pretty stupid politically.
The guy racked up more donations in one day than any Republican in history, and anyone thinks $500 is worth making an issue about wasn't savvy enough to have considered voting for him anyhow.
Don't forget, Paul, he's running for the republican candidacy, but he's actually a Libertarian. He's actually already been told that, if he can't pull off the republican nomination, he's got the nod for the libertarian slot.
WRonG Paul said:
"Have you ever read about the reasons they attacked us? They attack us because we've been over there. We've been bombing Iraq for 10 years

I'm suggesting we listen to the people who attacked us and the reason they did it. And they are delighted that we're over there because Osama bin Laden has said: I am glad you're over on our sand because we can target you so much easier

Mr. Speaker, I follow a policy in foreign affairs called non-interventionism. I donot believe we are making the United States more secure when we involve ourselves in conflicts overseas. The Constitution really doesn't authorize us to be the policemen of the world, much less to favor one side over another in foreign conflicts

It's OK for us to personally help other people. But to go around the world and spread democracy -- goodness, no -- too many unintended consequences. It usually requires force. I think we should only do those things under the prescribed conditions of the Constitution

Under the Constitution, we don't have the authority to just put troops in foreign countries willy-nilly when we're not at war

I want the foreign policy of our Founding Fathers. No entangling relationships. That means trade with Cuba, ending penalties against Iran and — above all — getting U.S. troops out of Iraq.

Islamo-facism is a false term to make people think we're fighting Hitler. It's war propaganda designed to generate fear so that the war has to be spread

We have been told that we have to give up our freedoms in order to be safe because terrorism is such a horrible event. A lot fewer lives died on 9/11 than they do in less than a month on our highways, but once again, who owns the highways? Do we own the highways? No. It’s a government institution you know. …We need to put all this in perspective. "

WRonG Paul--- WRonG for America