Ronald Reagen's funeral.


Well-Known Member
While the man may have been great his funeral wasn't. Long, overdrawn, needless ceremonies to honor a man. Followed by what maybe the most boring euologies ever given by mankind. I feel asleep halfway through the preists kind words of him and only to wake up, shut off the T.V while the priest was still going on and on.

The step by step commentary from reporters was so dry on every channel covering the funeral. It sounded more like a golf game rather than a funeral. Tom Brokaw sounded like a 40 hrs long Visine commercial along with his even more, though "shouldn't be physically possible", dry and boring co-host.

I kept thinking why?...why the intricate and horribly detailed funeral for a man. There was a 180 page direction list from the millitary alone on how to bury a man. Honor is one thing but honor stems from respect and the heart, not from 6 millitary guys walking in sync while shouting. Even his own family looked bored to tears and all the other guests just smiled and mingled with each other. Every politician was greeting each other and looked like they were at another fundraiser.

Boring ass funeral coupled with even more boring coverage of it.
1: Dig a hole.
2: Toss dead guy into hole.
3: Say something. Anything at all.
4: Fill hole.
5: Go home.

That's it... What's wrong with them?
Is this a joke? Were you really expecting them to entertain you? I think perhaps reality TV has corrupted your perception of reality.
Start at the middle of the Holy Roman Empire & work your way towards the 21st Century. Ceremony, Honor, Tradition, Pomp & Circumstance have their place. This was one of those times.

Be happy, you'll likely never see this again. Carter, Ford & Bush in the next decade.
Thulsa Doom said:
Is this a joke? Were you really expecting them to entertain you? I think perhaps reality TV has corrupted your perception of reality.

No, but I wasting expecting them to waste that much tax payers money on this overly drawn out funeral. Yes, the man may have been great, yes his place in history is solidified through his respected or not respected actions but seriously....such pretentious practices to honor a man.
He was a President of the United States of America.

Nobody in America has a more ceremonious funeral than a President, and that's the way it should be.