Rumsfeld wins ‘Foot in Mouth’ prize


New Member
“REPORTS THAT say something hasn’t happened are interesting to me, because as we know, there are known unknowns; there are things we know we know,” Rumsfeld told the briefing.
“We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”
Is it scarier that he actually said that or that I understand what he said?
You know, those two types of "unknowns" have baffled me for years... the "known unknown" vs the "unknown unknown"....

By the way, is Dubya writing his speeches now? :rofl:
Re: Rumsfeld wins ?Foot in Mouth? prize

Ms Ann Thrope said:
You know, those two types of "unknowns" have baffled me for years... the "known unknown" vs the "unknown unknown"....

Easy. "known unknown" - Knowledge of limited knowledge.

"unknown unknown" - Oblivion, complete utter oblivion....aka.....State of Bush's mind

By the way, is Dubya writing his speeches now? :rofl:

Those will arrive during may sweeps.
Re: Rumsfeld wins ?Foot in Mouth? prize

Yep, those Unknown unknowns are real motherfuckers, or are they?
Re: Rumsfeld wins ?Foot in Mouth? prize

PuterTutor said:
Yep, those Unknown unknowns are real motherfuckers, or are they?

You aren't suppose to know they exist ergo you shouldn't be worrying....god damn you, you'll rip the space time fabric...cease and desist heathen
Re: Rumsfeld wins ?Foot in Mouth? prize

that's as good as the Iraqi Information Minister :elaugh1: