Rush Limbaugh: The Musical


Well-Known Member
One more notch in Rush's belt to prove that he is not as irrelevant as the Left claims he is.


Updated January 11, 2010
'Rush Limbaugh' Becomes a New Musical

Move over, Rod Blagojevich, your star has already shined.

Rush Limbaugh is the new darling of Second City Theatricals, the comedy troupe that is preparing a seven-week run of Rush Limbaugh! The Musical.

Certainly not expected to be an endearing look at the radio talk show host, Second City says Rush Limbaugh! The Musical follows Limbaugh's "humble beginnings and follows his ascent to conservative dominance buoyed by characters like Ann Coulter, Karl Rove and Donald Rumsfeld despite confrontations with Hillary Clinton and Barney Frank."

The spoof borrows music from Broadway hits such as Spring Awakening, Wicked and Rent.

Second City has a long history as Chicago's comedy tour de force, but still managed a surprise hit when it produced Rod Blagojevich Superstar! Of course, the group benefited from the disgraced governor's appearance in the show.

Actor Mark Sutton, who will be playing Limbaugh on stage, mused in a blog post last week that he was surprised by the amount of debate surrounding announcement of the musical.

"The show hasn't opened yet, heck I haven't even seen the whole script, and already the debate over the appropriateness of it is raging," he wrote. "Here I thought I was just an actor. Now I'm a cog in the 'leftist propaganda machine.' Well, the machine kicks into gear soon … and this cog can't wait."

A request for comment from Limbaugh was not immediately answered.
he's most certainly intellectually irrelevant, but then his followers don't like thinking, but rather believing that they are on the the right team. he's relevant in exactly the same way as those cartoon characters that all the kiddies wanna be seen with on the playground.

rush = yugi-oh (or whatever the kiddies are into these days).
Jeebus crimeny you neanderthal throw back
where you been? Bakersfield? That America
is long gone. Get with the program!

America is new and improved and has a
President named Osama!
I have read where the KK's selection of political and social threads is far more superior, and whatnot. :shrug:
No. What I want is for you to actually particpate in a conversation instead of something as fulfilling as "bloody anuses" or whatever smarmy comment you come up with at the moment.
okay thx please apply the same standard to your co-chimpers.

and sure, i make silly comments, but many of my comments have some substance. you just miss the substance because you're not willing to think too hard as you've admitted yourself. e.g. "populist" vs. "popular." and lets not forget the difference between a parking ticket and a felony. or the puny and obviously mistaken allegations of "marxism" wherever you see something you don't like. yeah, so i'll get you a reading list.
-ist vs -ar.

My statement was correct. Popluist politics is whatever movement is popluar at the moment...conservatism & liberalism can both be populist can marxism. In fact, what do you think the entire progresive movement was biult around in the early 20th century. Then they woke up.

The silly comments have their place, unless that is all that is ever said.