Saddam apologizes to Kuweit. Kuweit to Saddam: Get lost



Well, in addition to handing over the documentation on its weapons program to the United Nations, Saddam apologized to Kuweit for invading them and asked them to "band together against the infidels." Kuweit had a nice reponse... Fuck off. :rofl2:

EDIT: Oops, here is the English:
What is that sumbitch up to? It's getting weirder & weirder. Could he simply be shitting his pants in anticipation of the US invading to get him & is truly trying to make amends?
I think he is, Gonz. He's finally realizing that we aren't just fucking around anymore and is trying to save his ass without losing face.
Look at the short term larger picture:

saddam is kissing everybodies ass;
the Palestinians are growing tired of bloodshed;
the Saudi's are hiring PR firms to change their image;
Santa's coming.

Co inky dink? I think not
look at what took until today to surface

At nearly the same time that Iraqi officials handed over their report in Baghdad, the Iraqi capital, Saddam released a statement on Kuwait, apologizing to the Kuwaiti people for Iraq's 1990 invasion but also criticizing the leadership and applauding terrorist attacks against U.S. soldiers based there.

I don't want to believe the media biased to the left, I really don't. This doesn't help that cause.