Safe driver?

14/16. The pedestrian question is poorly worded or I'd have 15.
Gonz said:
14/16. The pedestrian question is poorly worded or I'd have 15.

I got the one about embracing a passenger wrong, and the one about bicycling.
I don't need a test to tell me what a killing machine I am behind the wheel. Love cars but have no desire to drive them, to just buy them.
15/16 I missed the embracing the passenger one too. I know the rules pretty well, just don't always follow them (particularly the speed limit one).
I got 13/16 because the test is biased.

I didn't know the statistics question about alcohol in fatal accidents.
Knowing that drinking and driving could kill me or someone else is one thing. But knowing what percentage of all fatal accidents involve alcohol is not going to save my life.
The simple answer is I don't drink and drive

I didn't know that cell phones
were illegal only in New York. The laws of New York don't affect me where I live, and I don't plan on visiting New York anytime soon, nor have I visited

And embracing another person.
Didn't know it was only illegal in Washington and Oregon. I would have thought it was illegal or at least prohibited everywhere. But once again I don't live in Washington or Oregon and therefore don't follow their laws.

Spoilers don't get used enough. And this way, no one who actually wants to take the quiz will know the answers before hand if they don't want to.

I'll give 'em the alcohol one though, but the other two questions should have been more general or something.
State specific laws aren't generally known by those living in other states.
Thulsa Doom said:
assuming everyone dove out of your way as you barrelled along on the wrong side of the road. :D

I do that here anyways.....

I'm a subscriber to the Prof Tolkien method of driving "Charge them and they scatter!" :D
13. I slightly underestimated the turn signal distance under 45 mph. I thought I was supposed to yield right-of-way to pedestrians at all times (which is more consistent with driving defensively to avoid an accident even if the other person is in the wrong) and the embracing of another passenger thing.
I actually knew the pedestrian one right off.
Outside of a crosswalk or intersection, motor vehicles have the right of way ;). That means that, if you hit a pedestrian stepping out from between 2 parked vehicles, it's their fault, not yours...