Salo: 120 days of Sodom

Luis G

Staff member
Reading about the 7th art I came upon this movie, apparently it is THE most sick movie ever. I'm tempted to get it, but I really don't know if I can watch it without puking. :eek:

Has anyone ever watched it?

1944, Italy has fallen to the Allies except in the small fascist enclave of Salo in the north. Four local bigwigs - the Duke, the Bishop, the Chief Magistrate and a President organise a mass arrest of the area's attractive male and female youths.

After sealing their own relationship by marrying each other's daughters, the four bigwigs retreat to an isolated villa with guards, servants, a pianist, the sixteen most attractive prisoners and three storytellers who will add spice to the proceedings by recounting their own perverse and varied sexual histories.

The film is then divided into three sections, one for each storyteller. These are briefly: Circle of Madness, which deals with various fetishes, Circle of Shit, which mainly concerns coprophilia and finally there is Circle of Blood, which ends with various miscreants who have broken the villa's strict rules (i.e. shitting at the wrong time, having normal sexual relations with a girl etc.) being murdered and mutilated. Sexual organs are burnt, someone is branded, there is also a scalping and an eye and tongue removal. The four bigwigs take turns to watch and partake in these events aided by the guards. Thus the film concludes.

A safe link to a review:
What is the point of making a movie like this? Does it add to the worlds beauty? Is it the cinemagraphic version of Andres Serrano "Piss Christ"? Maybe it's a political statement. Either way, it adds nothing of value to life.
Yeah.. It was pretty tame wasn't it. The cinemagraphics wre circa early 70s bad porn... which it was. The dinner made me hungry though.
The eyeball............... *shivers*

While you can tell the amputations are faked, I say the effects were extremely good considering the time.