San Francisco will soon follow Miami


molṑn labé
Staff member
Miami went bankrupt & has been dissolved.

SF will follow suit.

The initiative, known as Healthy San Francisco, is the first of its kind in the nation, and represents the latest attempt by state and local governments to patch a broken federal system.

It is financed mostly by the city, which is gambling that it can provide universal and sensibly managed care to the uninsured for about the amount being spent on their treatment now, often in emergency rooms.

After a two-month trial at two clinics in Chinatown, the program is scheduled to expand citywide to 20 other locations on Sept. 17.

Whether such a program might be replicated is difficult to assess. In addition to its unique political culture, San Francisco, with a population of about 750, 000, has the advantages of compact geography, a unified city-county government, an extensive network of public and community clinics, and a relatively small population of uninsured adults. Virtually all of the city’s children are covered by private insurance or government plans.

Liberal Central
More info on that somewhere?

God weren't you watching TV, when that was discussed? Keep up with the news man, what did your newspaper not come that day?

Don't trust a link, because we all know that's not a worthy news source. You have an appointment with your newspaper every morning and with your TV at 5 every night. Keep up man!

I googled it and found nothing, but I am unable to think for myself, because the internet controls me. Curse you Al Gore!!!
but I am unable to think for myself

cool. then you should fit in great with the so-called "conservatives" who rely on decontextualized "tradition" so they don't have to think about shit. your arguing days here are over. done and done.
"i buy my ideas prefab. on late night TV. I salivate when the bell rings." :hump:

... of course this works for "liberals" too.