Satellite receivers


We currently have a plain vanilla 310 DishNet receiver. I'm looking to put some satellite TV in my room, and need a second receiver for that. I was just wondering, can anyone please give me an overview of what is available? I'm not interested in HDTV at this time. The digital video recorder thingy would be nice but isn't required.

From the DishNet site I can see only five models. The 310, two PVRs, another high end PVR, and a 6000 HDTV one. However, I was looking through eBay and that confused me a bit...

Can I just buy a receiver off eBay? DishNet allows up to two receivers and we have only one right now. Will they give me another card thingy?

And now the million dollar question, can I use a different dish? The dish we have supports two receivers, but erm, suppose I move again can I hook my receiver into my own dish and thus use my parent's account? I mean, how would they know whether you use one dish or two dishes and whether it is in the same physical location? They do specify that you can use two receivers. Any more and you have to pay extra.

Thanks a lot... :)
The phone line might be a problem. My Directv has to connect to a phone line too. You can disconnect it, but they'll give you a call in a couple weeks and tell you that it's disconnected.
Phone line? Hmm, both our current systems don't require a phone line except for instant Pay-per-view access. I never use those. How are you to get satellite TV if you have no telephone line? Ie only use a cell phone?
It's not required for Express Vu either, although they'd prefer it if you did, so they can check up on the smartcard.

The receiver has to be compatible with the anntena head. You can't stick a StarChoice receiver on an Express Vu head.
If you're planning on legal satelite you can buy one from ebay but then you need to contact dish for a new card. why bother. Get the 501PVR model for $200. (or less). The high-end PVR (2 tuners) is what I want but it's way overpriced.

Phone line is required for PPV only..though they'll tell you differently.
Yes sir, I plan on a legal satellite. 501PVR eh? Hmm... So suppose Dish gives me a new card on my parent's account, I will be able to use it from the same dish antenna (it supports two receivers). However, can I buy another dish antenna too for myself? And later on when I move again just take that along?
When you call to activate your card, tell them that it's a second reciever in the same house, or a cottage installation. I did that and the second install only costs me $3.
CONFUSING! OK, I finally got it figured out... I may be able to get a cheap deal on a 6000 receiver (HDTV), but that will mean I will need to buy an additional 18" dish (in addition to our existing 20" dish). Two dishes are required to see both the 119 and 61.5 degree satellites, and then you can get HDTV. This is ridiculous. There will be three dishes mounted on our house. :retard4:
In that case, remove the existing mounts and have a tripod and mast installed. Mount all three dishes on the mast.
an addiltional receiver addd to an existing account is $5. in the US, may be more in CA.

Do you have the Dish 500 dish? It looks at 2 satelites at once (119 & 110) but you will need an addiltional dish for HDTV. If YOU don't have HD, why bother? Things may be different in the frozen hinterlands...start here
We have a 500 dish, yes. And I'm simply thinking ahead at this time. I would buy a 500 dish and another receiver, and if I ever want HDTV (say on my computer) I can just buy an additional 300 dish to point at the 61.5 satellite. And yes, it is $5 extra per receiver. :)

I also believe my folks plan on doing away with the StarChoice satellite. The only thing we will miss is CTV which we can get over the air.

Thanks a lot guys, and thanks for the link Gonz.