Saw an interesting commercial last night


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
For Directway, Directtv's satellite internet service. They show this guy first go to a movie theatre, pass right by the ticket guy saying, "I'm only here to watch the previews." and go into the theatre. Next he takes two CD's up to the counter at a music store and says, "I want track 2 of this one, and 4 and 6 of this one"

Did DirectTv just endorse file sharing? It sounds to me like they just said that it was ok to download the songs you want off of the internet. Wonder what the RIAA is going to have to say about this commercial.
I couldn't believe it when I saw it, I just sat there amazed. Thought it was a rather bold step to make for them.
in here there's a band called Molotov, they encourage you to download their songs from the internet, they don't care about profits, these guys just wants to play music :headbang:
He is standing at the cash register when he says that. The point is that he only wants to pay for the parts he will actually use. Hes willing to pay for them but doesn't want to have to buy a bunch of stuff he doesn't want just to get them. Makes sense to me...
My uncle has DirectWay
It is slow as a dead tutrle
The TCP/IP doesn't work right with satellite. They made a new protocol and they are advertising it on the website, but my uncle didn't get it yet.