Say what?

No you fuckin' liberal dumbass
them poor bastards are trying to save themselves
over there and if you libs have your way
we'll be in the same boat by the end of the next decade

By then you folks will be the object of OUR Right wing death Squads if you don't mind yer peas and Q's
Heh, remember when this used to be America?

Which America would that be?

The America of lynchings? The America of the Moral Majority? The America of the PMRC? The America of Watts? The America of rigged elections?

I know there were some relatively easier social times at certain points in recent American history... but there has never really been a golden era of freedom.
the article said:
But critics, including the influential Roman Catholic Church, fear President Gloria Arroyo may be tempted to use the new powers to harass her political rivals.

Well, yeah. What's the point in passing a law if you don't get to use it against your political enemy?

Which America would that be?

The America of lynchings? The America of the Moral Majority? The America of the PMRC? The America of Watts? The America of rigged elections?

I know there were some relatively easier social times at certain points in recent American history... but there has never really been a golden era of freedom.

At least it's still that one. ;)

Edit: And we still shouldn't be letting the damned wimmenz vote!
I'm sorry. I forgot the Flyboys in blue jumpsuits need pictographs :)

Our 'zipper-suited sun gods' wear green or tan. The navy wears blue jumpsuits. Must be to hide in the ocean when they crash their planes in the drink. :p
Our flyers wore olive jumpsuits...wait, except for the flight surgeons and the blue angels who wore blue.
Our flyers wore olive jumpsuits...wait, except for the flight surgeons and the blue angels who wore blue.

I forgot about the Medevac people...and the Thunderbirds...Guess it really is lowest bid on a government contract...:grinyes: