school schmool


Well-Known Member
I went to my first two classes ... both sounded interesting in the catalog .. and I'm sure both are great. They are Anthropology of Modern Hawai'i, 1819 - present and Eurpean Women's History. What do they both have in common? I'll tell you.

Both of them have all the characteristics, save one, of a writing intensive class, but aren't listed as writing intensive because of that one missing characteristic. I have maaaaaad papers to do for those classes *sigh* ... I miss the 100 and 200 level days ... [/bitch, moan, and groan]
ok .. time to take the kids to Driver's Ed and then get off to my last class of the day .. *sigh*
Those both sound really hard. Drop those losers and sign up for Home Ec and Child Development. You should be able to breeze through them.:headbang:
Writing is fun!! :D

*dodges bric-a-bracs thrown by Na*

So what is the characteristic that these courses lack? They sound like the kind of courses designed to help the student fulfill the writing requirement.
love you too, Squig ;)

Q - I don't even cook and sew at home unless I absophreakinglutely .. I definitely ain't gonna cook at school :D

Ards - *forgets about tossing bric-a-bracs and tosses whole chest-of-drawers at you* :D ... the element they lack to make the WI is the handing in of drafts, having it returned to the student, corrected, then handing them back in. I asked the professors why they just don't add that to the syllabus to make them writing intensive and their response was that it is too time consuming. Bastards. :D