Science scrambles to disprove creation, v36794586.6


Southern Discomfort
Good for a laugh

Some 2.4 billion years ago when the Milky Way started upping its star production, cosmic rays--high-speed atomic particles--started pouring onto our planet, causing instability within the living. Populations of bacteria and algae repeatedly soared and crashed in the oceans.

Since Strom Thurmond punted out, we have no verifiable eye witness left to these events. I call speculation at worst, informed opinion at best, bullshit as a whole.

Go ahead now, pick me to pieces. You know you want to.
There are no verifiable eyewitnesses to anything happening to anything happening before 1898 ...give or take. Such a logical extraction would deny all historical events.
I am. Y'know creationism doesn't invalidate science. In fact, if you stop and think about it, the Big Bang theory of Creationism jsut makes sense. Sort of like God taking the ultimate bank shot in pool. Just one tiny nudge .... riiiiiiiiggggghhhtttt ...... HERE! Bang. Balls and particles fly off in all directions .... but if you watch long enough .... they all suddenly form a pattern for a split second, and then they all fall simultaneously into the pockets, leaving one ball spinning in the perfect centre of the table.
well, i gotta leave this intense Theological /scientific debate for a while - gotta go get some work done.

have fun!
There are no verifiable eyewitnesses to anything happening to anything happening before 1898 ...give or take. Such a logical extraction would deny all historical events.

There is written history dating much farther than that. Now, when we're deducing that the animal hunt went successfully from stick figures in caves, that can be questionable.
Another argument against public education?

Listen my children and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Bill Dawes,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year

It loses its cadence :D
Another argument against public education?

You didn't read far enough. Israel Bissel was the guy who made the actual ride from the poem. It has nothing to do with education. Paul Revere is an American hero because Henry Wadsworth Longfellow made him one. Period. History is pop culture, plain and simple. It generally has little or nothing to do with actual events, yet people constantly refer to it as if it were carved in stone. It would be comical if it were so sad. As Unc says, if no one you trust saw it with their own eyes, there will always be some doubt whether it really happened at all.