Score one (more) for my side

If I recall correctly, I've determined that SnP does not live in Tennessee, he, in fact, lives in Alabama.

Northbound on I65, at or about milemarker 196, off to the left is an approxomately 100' flag pole with what has to be the worlds largest Confederate Battleflag. There is no structure nearby. Just a huge flagpole. Must be the outer edge of his front yard ;)
Winky said:
So... "who" was protesting it??? Hmmm?

Winky said:
That's what I thought.

When you ask a question worthy of a reply, I will give you one. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who was protesting, but to humor was the PC seeking minority around Bashville (not a typo) who want to wash their hands of all those evil deeds their traitorous ancestors perpetrated generations ago. Revisionist history rewriters and all that kinda bunk.

Gonz said:
If I recall correctly, I've determined that SnP does not live in Tennessee, he, in fact, lives in Alabama.

Not mine, regrettably. But would you believe that some people are protesting that and trying to get it taken down? Shocking, huh? Wonder where they lived before they retired?