SEAHAWKS to play in first Super Bowl!!!!

I was hoping they would win since they've never been to the big one. That said, Pittsburgh's looking awfully good right about now. They might have been a six-seed but should definitely not be counted out in this game.
The little 'factoid' they tossed around at the end of the game was that this Steelers team was only the second time a team has made it to the Super Bowl after going through the 1, 2, and 3 seeds. Anyone know what other team did it?

I'm glad they made it. I've been a Seahawks fan since the early 80s.
WOOOHOOOO! I knew this was the year! I've been watching the Seahawks lose since I was a wee tot! I'm so happy for them!

'course it wouldn't break my heart if the Steelers come away with it, I like them too!
In a way, it's too bad Denver didn't go... then we would have had an all-AFC West Super Bowl. But having been raised to like the Raiders, it's always satisfying to watch Denver lose.
Inkara1 said:
In a way, it's too bad Denver didn't go... then we would have had an all-AFC West Super Bowl. But having been raised to like the Raiders, it's always satisfying to watch Denver lose.
My son's two favorite teams are "the Raiders and whoever the Broncos are playing." :D
While Shanahan's from the same high school I went to, I hated high school, so I'll call that a wash. Damn Seahawks cost me a pool earlier this year. Well, it's not totally their fault that Jay Feely missed 3 game winning field goals against them. :mad: Pittsburgh looks like it's on a mission, watch out.
i'm rooting for the Seahawks. Hasselback played college ball around here somewhere.
chcr said:
My son's two favorite teams are "the Raiders and whoever the Broncos are playing." :D

Damned straight. Although, once the Bowl begins, I'm an AFC man at heart.
The other team to go through the 1,2, and 3 seeds was the 1985 Patriots (who then got stomped by da bears). Matt Hasselbeck is a product of Boston College.