Search for Inkara1 and work


Well-Known Member
came up with nothing. No great suprise there, eh?

So how's the job going, Inky? I hope you're writing more there than you are in your blog.
It's part of why I rarely update my blog. I'm too pooped out writing-wise. :D

I don't know why I even got a blog. I used to hate being forced to keep a journal in elementary school.

Anyways, so far it's going pretty well. It would be nice if I had something newer and faster than a 300MHz iMac with 256MB of RAM (128 of which I bought off Hexploit) running OS 9.2 with Photoshop 5.5 and Quark XPress 4. I have to surf OTC during slow times at work (like now) with Netscape 7 because Mac IE 5.5 won't render vBulletin pages in a usable manner and nothing newer (Safari, Firefox) will run on anything older than OS X.
Also... if you want to read my stuff... click "sports update" and I'm there. Hint: if it says "By Atascadero News Staff," then there's an 80-90 percent chance I wrote that too.

I generally reserve "staff report" for really short stories, particularly ones where there aren't any quotes to go with it. Sometimes I'll get a "staff report" story from our sister paper, the Paso Robles Press. The sports guy for that paper covers Templeton High School as well as Paso Robles High School, while I cover Atascadero High School and North County Christian. Our two papers overlap coverage in Templeton (a small town between Atascadero and Paso Robles), and since we're part of the same chain, we can share stories back and forth. I've had a few stories show up in the Paso Robles Press, but since that guy covers the Templeton stuff, it's a lot more often I run his stuff than it is that he runs mine.
Inkara1 said:
Also... if you want to read my stuff... click "sports update" and I'm there. Hint: if it says "By Atascadero News Staff," then there's an 80-90 percent chance I wrote that too.

I generally reserve "staff report" for really short stories, particularly ones where there aren't any quotes to go with it. Sometimes I'll get a "staff report" story from our sister paper, the Paso Robles Press. The sports guy for that paper covers Templeton High School as well as Paso Robles High School, while I cover Atascadero High School and North County Christian. Our two papers overlap coverage in Templeton (a small town between Atascadero and Paso Robles), and since we're part of the same chain, we can share stories back and forth. I've had a few stories show up in the Paso Robles Press, but since that guy covers the Templeton stuff, it's a lot more often I run his stuff than it is that he runs mine.

That the guy that died?
Not anymore. Neal's dead now. The editor up there (Matt) is doing sports too until they find a new guy. Matt was originally the sports editor there, then after the regular editor abrubtly left (everyone came in to work on Monday morning to find her work keys on a cleaned-off desk) he assumed all the extra editor responsiblities... but didn't get the title and pay raise for another year.

As for girls' teams... I don't get to do locker room interviews. I generally don't go into the guys' locker room either, actually. I generally interview the coach and players after the game on the field or in the gym before they go to the locker room.