Seattle acxtivist wins case against TSA


Well-Known Member
The guy who was arrested in NM for filming at a TSA checkpoint won his case against the TSA. He was foiund not guilty of all charges which were brought against him.


Seattle activist Phil Mocek wins case against TSA – Pics

* January 23rd, 2011 6:22 pm ET

Phil Mocek, a Seattle activist has won a court case against the TSA.

Without presenting any witnesses or testifying himself, a jury of 6 women found Phil not guilty of all charges against him.

Watch the video Phil took.

Phil was arrested on November 15, 2009 at the Albuquerque, New Mexico Airport for the following charges:

* Refusing to turn off his camera filming a TSA checkpoint.
* Refusing to show his identity.
* Trespassing.
* Disorderly conduct.

At the heart of his case was the fact that a charge of refusing to obey a lawful order.

Kurt Nimmo of Infowars reports: On January 21, a jury cleared Mocek of all misdemeanor charges. “I feel good that we had police and TSA on record saying that you don’t have to show ID to fly and that you can use a camera at the airport,” Mocek told KOBTV 4 in Albuquerque.

The Identity Project reports: The best evidence in the case was the video from Mr. Mocek’s digital camera that both the TSA and the police had tried to stop Mr. Mocek from filming, and which ended when they seized his camera out of his hands and shut it off.

The Daily Conservative notes: Case represents the first time anyone has successfully challenged the TSA’s assumed authority to question and detain travelers.

The jury didn’t agree that the order to turn off the camera was lawful, as was the order to leave the airport.

The video Phil Mocek took was the only witness he needed.

The video showed that all of the testimony that the TSA provided was not credible in the jury’s eyes.

The only disorderly conduct the jury found was that of the TSA officers.

Phil was representing the Cannabis Defense Coalition at the International Drug Policy Reform Conference in New Mexico.

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Seattle activist wins case against TSA

I say good for him. These "officers" are nothing but rent-a-cops who have to call the real cops because they have no real authority. They have no understanding of the law.
wow, pretty harsh on the TSA people, aren't ya jim? you know, they're just regular people that needed jobs... just like anyone working a register at walmart.

how many times have you personally interacted with TSA personnel? you fly very much? i flew about 70k miles last year, and, you know what, i never had a problem. but, then, i always was nice to them. why do you hate them, jim?
Those guy who robbed me last night.... They were just people who rob other people for a living. They were very professional and I did what they asked, we didn't have any issues at all. I'm looking forward to the next time I get robbed now.
grope me

What's Jesse smugglin' in them tidy whiteys?

Janet isn't like that
she wouldn't have any interest in Jesse's junk
