Disagreeing, I can understand & respect. Actually taking the side of the enemy is beyond reason. Would these people prefer Iraq as it was?
chcr said:Where in the world do you get sedition from that picture?
I think you must be using a very different definition than the one I'm familiar with.
Still, not sedition.Gonz said:Sedition is an act of assisting or comforting the enemy, especially with overt overtones against your own government. Granted, these are British in London, but the sentiment is the same.
Would these people prefer Iraq as it was?
Gonz said:Gotta go but I'll leave you with this...are not the Ba'athist party members & a few terrorist cells finding comfort in this...waiting for the Vietnam-era curse to rear its ugly malformed head? Much of this is deja-vu all over again. And the final question still remains
I think that's stretching "aid and comfort to the enemy" a couple of thousand light years past the breaking point.Gonz said:Gotta go but I'll leave you with this...are not the Ba'athist party members & a few terrorist cells finding comfort in this...waiting for the Vietnam-era curse to rear its ugly malformed head? Much of this is deja-vu all over again. And the final question still remains
Gonz said:Would these people prefer Iraq as it was?
freako104 said:no but its the reason for the war now isnt it?
Oil is money. 100 years ago it was have been gold. 100 years before that it was tea. Cause and effect doesn't really change.freako104 said:you forgot one key element: oil
but my post was meant to say what they are saying its for.
chcr said:1. Not the point.
2. Not the reason we were given.