See y'all in a few


Southern Discomfort
Taking next week off to do a little long overdue fishing and dust collecting. Our home machine is a thing of pity, so y'all get a break from me for a while.

You do know there's a limit of seven absences per semester, and if you're gone for three days in a row that counts as three separate absences, right?

The fish around here are only marginally hungry. Either that, or they are too picky in their choice of mid-day fare. Given a choice between night crawlers and salmon eggs, I don't rightly blame 'em.

I've already worked harder than I meant to, and I still have this enormous yard to mow (now that one of the mowers has decided to cooperate temporarily). Windy today, supposed to rain, so that little slice of heaven may get put off til Saturday. Hate that.

I hope everyone is behaving themselves in my absence. I know it's difficult, but you'll just have to get your daily dose of right-thinkin' Southern witticisms elsewhere for awhile. I fully intend to reload yon CD changer, grab up the Stephen King book I'm immersed in (anyone else read or reading the Dark Tower series?) and completely waste this fine day away. Y'all watch out for snakes, and look forward to my return early next week.
Glad you're having a good one, sorry 'bout the yard.

I still owe you a PM with my library. I haven't forgetten, just can't seem to get to it.
The DT series was great...I've read & listened (CDs) many times. The ending is....well, you'll see.
Gonz said:
The DT series was great...I've read & listened (CDs) many times. The ending is....well, you'll see.

I'm approaching the end of book 4. If you give anything away, I will hunt you down and kill you with these two hands as I whistle "Dixie", got it?!! :lol2:
If the fish aren't into salmon eggs and night crawlers, try some chicken liver, cut into small pieces, and wrapped up in a bit of womens nylon hose. The hose keeps the fish from making off with the bait, and you can land some monster cats with that. If you're after bass, I'd suggest soft plastic worms...Texas rigged, with the liver on the bottom of your loop. Trust me. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
If the fish aren't into salmon eggs and night crawlers, try some chicken liver, cut into small pieces, and wrapped up in a bit of womens nylon hose. The hose keeps the fish from making off with the bait, and you can land some monster cats with that. If you're after bass, I'd suggest soft plastic worms...Texas rigged, with the liver on the bottom of your loop. Trust me. ;)

Good advice.
For bass, I tend towards tubes myself. With a little practice, you can get them to loop-the-loop, and backup right into the lunker's mouth.
Professur said:
For bass, I tend towards tubes myself. With a little practice, you can get them to loop-the-loop, and backup right into the lunker's mouth.

Canadian lunkers, or the monsters we've got swimming around here in South Carolina? Not to be mean, but Canada's waters get a bit too cold for huge bass.
Well , excuuuuuuuuuse me. At least the canadian ones have less mercury than the average thermometer.
I have returned.

The weather was splendid. Too bad my health was not what I would have liked this weekend. Spent most of the last three days in bed and in pain. Withdrawal from the narcs and related bugaboos. Finally last night around bedtime I started to feel halfway decent. Go figure.

Went back to work this morning, had to be in court. Naturally, I backed into a car, which of course was being driven by a lawyer on his way to the same court. Lovely. My Mazda 4X4 was completely unscathed, but his '92 Saturn got a little plastic bumper damage. At least he isn't a successful lawyer driving a Lexus...

Been two years since I took any time off for anyting besides medical stuff, so it was refrshing to have a little time to enjoy myself a bit, even if I wasn't able to physically do all I would have liked. I see that this place hasn't changed in any significant way in my absence, which is good. I gotta have somebody to bitch and whine with. :D

Now if only I can work up the nerve to check this voice mail...
Professur said:
Well , excuuuuuuuuuse me. At least the canadian ones have less mercury than the average thermometer.

Just stay out of the Great Lakes. :p Now go get yer 2-pound lunker. :D