Segregation in schools on the rise?


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Segregation in schools is increasing: report
Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:15PM EDT

By Matthew Bigg

ATLANTA (Reuters) - Public schools in the United States are becoming more racially segregated and the trend is likely to accelerate because of a Supreme Court decision in June, according to report published on Wednesday.

The rise in segregation threatens the quality of education received by non-white students, who now make up 43 percent of the total U.S. student body, said the report by the Civil Rights Project of the University of California in Los Angeles.

Many segregated schools struggle to attract highly qualified teachers and administrators, do not prepare students well for college and fail to graduate more than half their students.

In its June ruling the Supreme Court forbade most existing voluntary local efforts to integrate schools in a decision favored by the Bush administration despite warnings from academics that it would compound educational inequality.

"It is about as dramatic a reversal in the stance of the federal courts as one could imagine," said Gary Orfield, a UCLA professor and a co-author of the report.

How is it that in this day and age the government can allow segregation to thrive?
I don't think that the government should be providing additional assistance to someone solely on the basis of race. Obviously a school in a town with a lot of black people is going to be mostly black.

My cousin is in a very exclusive and prestigious comp sci program at CMU. He's in it because he's a very smart and hardworking person. Everyone in his program is required to take a basic programming course. He was telling me that 95% of the class can do that in their sleep and would be better educated in more advanced class. But 5% of the class is minorities or poor people or what have you, who are not nearly as qualified to be in the class as the WASP guys, but whom were required to be in it because of a quota. So the rest of the class is stuck doing way less than what they are capable of.

It's not "No Child Left Behind", it's "Hammer down the nail that sticks above the rest"
Well stated Altron. Populations in urban areas are becoming more segrated naturally. The Minorities move into the cities and the non- minorities move into the suburbs. So naturally the urban schools contain more minorites. Should the Government mandate that the people who leave the cities return there kids to the cities. I think not.
Nobody may be held out of a neighborhood school. Don't like th eschool? Change neighborhoods.
But 5% of the class is minorities or poor people or what have you, who are not nearly as qualified to be in the class as the WASP guys, but whom were required to be in it because of a quota.

Are you saying that all minorities are there just to make quota, and none are there on their own merits?
Its no longer about racial separation. Its all about financial separation. Race is just a happenstance anymore... except for a few places that can't step out of the 50's.
I don't think that the government should be providing additional assistance to someone solely on the basis of race. Obviously a school in a town with a lot of black people is going to be mostly black.

My cousin is in a very exclusive and prestigious comp sci program at CMU. He's in it because he's a very smart and hardworking person. Everyone in his program is required to take a basic programming course. He was telling me that 95% of the class can do that in their sleep and would be better educated in more advanced class. But 5% of the class is minorities or poor people or what have you, who are not nearly as qualified to be in the class as the WASP guys, but whom were required to be in it because of a quota. So the rest of the class is stuck doing way less than what they are capable of.

It's not "No Child Left Behind", it's "Hammer down the nail that sticks above the rest"

Tsk, tsk. Accusing Carnegie-Mellon of such chicanery is dubious at best. Notice whats going on? Your cousin is making a statement, based upon what he thinks (opinion), and you're restating it here as if it was fact. Any chance your cousin is inflating his own self-importance over others? He is saying that 5% of the class is unqualified...not the school. If he's so much above the others, then why isn't he in the advanced class?
How is it that in this day and age the government can allow segregation to thrive?

People naturally segregate themselves. Go to any city you like. Its citizens tend to segregate themselves. It's a matter of psychological comfort. Federal government enforced programs to blend students usually fail. They end in violence started by one side or the other, then the overprotective parents overdramatize, then the media gets involved adding gasoline to the fire, and before you know it we have a race war in suburbia.

People will always gravitate toward their own. Trying to stop it in the name of PC or whatever malarky they use next will not work.

Why we cannot accept the proven fact that the races are different and go from there astounds me. We're supposed to be enlightened. We're so damn enlightened we can't see what's right in front of us because we're too busy trying to make it into what is isn't so we can feeeeeeeeel better about ourselves. Owls and ducks don't put themselves through the anguish; why do we? Because Oprah says we should?
And before one of about 3 select members jumps through their ass to call me a racist, note I said different, not superior. So save it.
People naturally segregate themselves. Go to any city you like. Its citizens tend to segregate themselves. It's a matter of psychological comfort. Federal government enforced programs to blend students usually fail. They end in violence started by one side or the other, then the overprotective parents overdramatize, then the media gets involved adding gasoline to the fire, and before you know it we have a race war in suburbia.

People will always gravitate toward their own. Trying to stop it in the name of PC or whatever malarky they use next will not work.

That said, I have another 'nugget' to add to the pile. Giving someone a chance to do better will not always give that person the motivation to do better. People are always more inclined to take the quick, and easy, path, rather than work a problem out. Don't like segregation? Force everybody to be together. It was a grand experiment that failed, and will continue to fail unless the root problem is addressed (motivation).
Gato ... one word ... Katrina. Even in the face of starvation and death, people will 'fail'. Any effort made is destined to fail. Evolution says it's supposed to fail. Let's be perfectly honest, people ... 90%+ of the existing human population has no business continuing to breath. They were supposed to be mountain lion and wolf suppers long ago. You're looking for the great human purpose? That's it. Improve or die. Period, end of discussion. Anyone who lags is left behind to feed the wolves. There's no difference between a slum and a coral.
Gato ... one word ... Katrina. Even in the face of starvation and death, people will 'fail'. Any effort made is destined to fail. Evolution says it's supposed to fail. Let's be perfectly honest, people ... 90%+ of the existing human population has no business continuing to breath. They were supposed to be mountain lion and wolf suppers long ago. You're looking for the great human purpose? That's it. Improve or die. Period, end of discussion. Anyone who lags is left behind to feed the wolves. There's no difference between a slum and a coral.

I beg to differ. There can be motivated people in a slum. Those are the folks that left before the storm hit. The effort for self-improvement is not failure regardless of the outcome. It is the effort...the motivation...which dictates the level of success or failure.
You differed by agreeing with me. For those 90%+ .. there is no effort. Those in the slum who make the effort make it out by virtue of that effort. Those who leave the high ground to wallow in the slum do so by the same token. Just as the weak and useless in any herd are shuffled to the outside to face the predators. When the herd remaining is strong enough, they can outrun or face down the predators ... but not while they're middle is rotting as humanity's is now.
People naturally segregate themselves.

It's not just race either.

Take an number of people, making sure there are two or more distinct characteristics & the breakdown begins. You'll seldom find jocks & geeks in the same clubhouse.