Self Centered and Egotistical Aussies



Since you consider yanks so uninformed - and since your misguided opinion is that we believe every word that is spewed from the propagandist media - I'm curious about where you get your "superior" information. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink. Get a grip on your ego. You spout your opinion as if it were the word of god, when in fact you are no more informed than anyone else. Hicks? Rednecks? - Americans have no corner on that market. I enjoyed my first trip to Oz, made a few friends, had a great time. I have come to realize what a group of uniformed, hicks and rednecks all of you are. I don't have to go to Alabama to get a look at inbred rednecks. Have a great day.
hmm... am I feeling a bit of hostility up in here? :confuse3:

s4 - is there a problem in particular you'd like to address? I know people like how you described who are from right here in my own backyard ... and I know people from Australia who are really great ...
s4 ventured outta Hicksville all the way to Kangaland??? ya.........................right. :rolleyes:
I'm guessing even Kool-aid fements after a while with all that sugar in it.

s4, don't leave the Kool-aid out on the counter anymore. It needs to be refridgerated.
No, he's trying to drum up posts with conflict because it's slow. (or maybe he *is* drunk--Luis would definately know about that!) :D
maybe if the thread made sense i could get into full foightin' mode.

until then: random