Senior Pictures

You might splurge a little, or take pictures you normally wouldn't do. in retrospect, you might like them later down the road.
I'm getting a package that includes poses in drapes and in a different outfit. I think it's 10-12 poses, something like that. I have pictures of what I'm wearing. Only thing I'm worried about is my braces...should I keep any showing-teeth-smile pictures?
Smile like you mean it. It doesn't matter if the braces show or not. Just smile like you mean it.
Make sure yer go for a pee first....photographers can faff on no-end and yer wanna be smiling, not wearing a bladder-gripping grimace ;)
Practice 'looking natural' in front of a mirror so you will know what is most flattering and learn how to slide into it effortlessly. I never was one for a toothy smile when a nice grin will do... the magic is all in the eyes anyway.

I wish I could have redone my senior pics. *gag*
i still like my senior pictures...course i hated them at the time (not enough black eyeliner and i wasn't wearing a metallica t-shirt...but...:rolleyes: ) i took one of the classic yearbook shots and one or two with some interesting lighting, i thought that was enough...lotsa peo-ple shell out a gazillion dollars on these photos's only to pass them out to people you could care less about. better to get a small package and save your money.
Senior pics seem to have come a long way since my day. All we had was an assembly line approach for the one and only photo that was to appear in the yearbook. It was all hurried and yuck-o.
That just means your school did "yearbook photos" but didn't offer the option for buying photos and each school their own...
For my senior pictures, after the shoot I had eight proofs to choose from; my parents and I chose two of them to have printed up. In one of the rejects, I seemed to have a somewhat evil look on my face. I decided to play around with that picture and Paint Shop Pro, and I was able to get a good chuckle out of a few people with it. I also used the image for my website for the next two or so years.

Unfortunately, a hard drive crash took my original version without the writing on it, but the version with the writing on it was still on the web server so I've still got it.

If I had to be picky, about the only thing I regret was backgrounds. I've seen some very stunning senior photos taken outdoors. What a difference that made.

I wouldn't be worried about braces. Sure you can pay to have them taken out (quite easily too) but think about it, you're bookmarking yourself for later. Why not just show what you've really got instead of hiding what you or others might not like? Just my opinion anyway....
Well, I wasn't given the option to take any outside, so of course I didn't. In all honesty, I don't think they will come out as great as I expected. After 10 days I'll get my proofs and mayhaps I'll scan them in. Not only were my eyes a little baggy, but I had a huge pimple coming up right by my left eye.

Definitely getting retakes.
try to get a picture that you'll be happy to hand out to people with the confidence that they'll look back on it in many years and remember how fun and awesome you were.
When I had my senior photos taken I was mid fight with the then bf...we were yelling in the halls (for a Science/Math type I sure had a flare for drama back int he day) I went to sign in for my photos...they were behind so I went back to "discuss" with him some more whatever it was we were discussing and he had taken off...I still like my photos though. I have a sly "noone can mess with me" look :)
Well, the proofs came in today. I told my mom just to get the basic yearbook photo poses, but she HAD to have the extra outfit....

16 proofs came and of those 16, only 3 are good enough to put in a package. If my ear wasn't sticking out of my hair, my eyes were looking off in an odd direction, or my necklace was twisted all around.

On the other hand, the good ones were the headshots with drapes. I mean, they looked absolutely amazing, I love them. So what I'm going to do is get them taken somewhere else, and see which ones are better, then make my decision from there.

I'll have the proofs scanned by Monday for you guys.