Serial Rapist on the loose in Denver


New Member
This sick fuck raped three different women in their homes before they were able to match the DNA on him and find out who he is. I hope they catch him.

DENVER - Police held a press conference Wednesday to announce they have a suspect in a rash of recent sex assaults.

A lot of my friends live in this area where his current residence is.

My question is that if he has all these other sex crimes to his claim why is he still out doing it? He wasn't even registered as a child molester in his current neighborhood. He moved after the courts put him on the list in a different county after he was realeased.
A vehicle that Brents may be using is described as a green 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix

Not merely sick... he has no taste.
Brents has spent more than 15 of the last 18 years in prison
for either sexual assault or sexual assault on a child.

OK we have no right to safety from a guy like this.
Give him your wimen's and shut up.

wait after reading this guys arrest record how many
of you would cheer a capital punishment sentence for
this quality citizen?

How’s abouts a bunch a guys there get together track
him down and cap him?

Then they all get medals and we look in to fines and probation for the slugs that
let him out this last time?
Almost immediatly after being let out and registered as a sex offender, he went and found a little boy and did the same thing. He had an outstanding warrent for it. HELLO! Why wasn't he kept in a cell at that time?

Oh, and I would say no to the capital punishment. His inamates will either have taken care of it or he will himself after what they do to him when he is thrown in jail long before all of his appeals would be over.