Servers the size of a shoe box?


New Member
We have new servers, and they are tiny, the size of a shoe box. There are three of them, 500 gigabytes each. Is that a lot? My computer has only 80 of them, I think. But it's a lot bigger.

How did they fit so many gigabytes in such a small box?
Sounds like maybe 2 x 250gig HDs maybe on raid setup?

The real question is how upgradeable is it?

I've seen some really small comps, that I was looking into making into
custom PCs, like putting them in big model cars, or basketballs...(theme type stuff)
But...they weren't really upgradeable, and could only get up to about 2.0ghz
on speed index. (because of heat problems or something I guess)
I'm afraid 2ghz may not be acceptable in maybe 2 more years
in most cases. :confused:
I think that's it, Cat. There are two drives, each the size of a pack of Luckies, and each has a barrel-cylinder lock next to them. There is a small screen with LCD displays, and some little lights with hieroglyphic icons next to them. The lights flicker a lot.

The cases are stainless steel and black, art deco looking. There isn't a brand name or model number on them anywhere.
those are prolly shuttle boxes. the major components are upgradable if they didnt max them out already.
Gato_Solo said:
You know? I can't think of a joke to fit this...At least not one that would be funny. :shrug: :devious:
Aww hell. You mean jokes are supposed to be funny? Don't tell Inky. ;)
It's just incredible to me how electronics are shrinking while becoming exponentially more powerful. Storage drives with a capacity of only a couple hundred megabytes used to occupy a space the size of a two-drawer file cabinet.

What's next, credit-card size drives with 100 terabyte capacity?