set your alarm clocks

so....did anyone bother to watch for this?
full moon and overcast skies made it impossible here.
i saw it, i got up at 4:00am, the sky was clear, but the luminosity of the city and the full moon reduced a lot the number of meteors i saw.

In one hour i got to see about 50. I tried to take pics, but it happens so fast taht is impossible to click the button.
I tried to take pics, but it happens so fast taht is impossible to click the button

wouldn't you have needed to do a time exposure or do they make insanly fast film these days?
my camera is a kodak advantix. the one with 3 different picture sizes. highest speed film for that is 400 i believe.
Is a digital camera, i can actually take pics of the stars, the minimum (maximum?) shutter speed is 2 seconds.