Sex, a consumin' thought.....


New Member
Is it jus' bein' a 34 yr old male?

Is it purely cultural? Strictly the influence of a society of media the makes huge fat jack from those of us, who buy the line that sex is the primary "happy drug" we all need.

Not to mislead ya, I was married for 13 yrs. I know what it means to have it "available" an' perhaps, not even want it at the time.

An' don't get me wrong, I'm not kickin' my own ass, for wantin' it 24/7. I believe its a God-given design............

But I ask you, what is this obsession that daily plagues the minds of so many of us "well-meanin'" folk who, perhaps would rather seem as "sane" as those who live like they can take it or leave it?

Is it somethin' that simply passes as the body fails to support such a deeply engrained interest? (is it an age thing? *Lord, I hope not*)

Have mercy here, all you self-righteous!:D
called a drive. just like food,shelter we have a drive to procreate. plus it feels good. it is inherit but also taught to an extent as the child as he/ she grows up needs to know about any consequences but its embetted that we do it. but some live in celibsy too.
i was playing Literati (scrabble) on yahoo with my friend, and it was sooo easy to tell where my mind was.
words like,
and others.
Re: Re: Sex, a consumin' thought.....

kuulani said:
75renegade said:
I know what it means to have it "available" an' perhaps, not even want it at the time.


Yer post assured me of yer ability to relate girl, an' I frickin' rolled on the floor laughin'!!!:D