Sexy wireless optical mouse + lube =


Staff member

There are times when you just gotta satisfy your curiosity.

So, I bought this one mouse around my birthday, it's a Wireless Intellimouse Explorer. I've fallen in love with it.

But the mouse wheel was kind of resistant, and today it stuck. I popped it open, took the wheel off, and lubed it up, and it moves like a charm now. :lloyd:
Yep. I still don't like how it doesn't give any feedback on a "scroll" (it's one of them new fangled ones with the tilt-wheel boats.. I never use it, and it made it 3x as hard to get the thing apart) but at least I can scroll it now.

I took my friends' MX700 apart to put a blue LED in it. Those wireless ones are a pain to take apart.
It was surprisingly easier to get the cover off of this one than my wired mice... with those, I had to pull off the four teflon pads to find the screws, and then wrestle around with it to find the "latch" points for the cover. This one just had a single screw in the battery compartment, and the cover pulled straight off, giving me easy access to the wheel.
I love my MS wireless optical Blue.
Ever since sp3 on win 2k, and even more after sp4,
I've had to cut off the "smooth Scrolling"
It just doesn't seem to work right any more.
It could be some of the other updates to IE6 though
because some of my other comps don't do good with it either,
even in win98.
I tried different drivers help.... So I just let it jump. :D
I've hated smooth scrolling since day one. I have that shut off, and I also told it not to do the animation of a window going from full-sized to minimized. It's just a waste of time and system resources if you ask me.
Love a slightly resistant mouse with hard spots on the roll, gotta have just right touch and feel.

Yeah, I miss the clicks upon a scroll. I got so used to them I could predict how many clicks I'd have to roll to get to where I want in the page.

But I'm getting used to it, I suppose. I'm not sure whether the feedback-less form was a necessity onset by the tilting design, or an ergonomic "improvement"

Screw RSI, I want to be able to feel my scroll wheel scroll! :beerbang: