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Is that a shark on your leg, mate?
Bit by predator, Australian snorkeler has to drive to get it removed, Australia - A snorkeler attacked by a shark off Australia’s east coast swam to shore with the predator still gripping his leg and then drove to a lifesavers’ club to have it removed.

Australian Luke Tresoglavic, 22, was snorkeling on a reef off Caves Beach, about 75 miles north of Sydney, when a wobbegong shark about 2 feet long bit him just below the kneecap and held on.

“The shark just wouldn’t budge so he held onto it as it was thrashing around and swam to shore,” Tresoglavic’s mother, Caroline, told Reuters on Wednesday.

“It still wouldn’t let got so he got into his car and drove up to the lifesavers’ clubhouse nearby for help. Luckily he didn’t panic or he could have ended up in trouble in the water.”

Lifesavers removed the shark by hosing it with fresh water, but its minute, razor-like teeth left about 70 puncture marks. Tresoglavic then drove to hospital, but turned out not to need stitches, just a course of antibiotics.

The Tresoglavics buried the dead shark in their garden. Wobbegong sharks, are also known as carpet sharks because of their color, can grow up to 10 feet long and are unique to Australian waters, the national parks authority says.

Two species -- the banded and the spotted -- live in the waters around the state of New South Wales, and are known to scientists as Orectolobus ornatus and Orectolobus maculatus respectively. It was not known which type attacked Tresoglavic.

TG he's alright & this is why I don't go snorkeling...No matter where I live...
Talk about courage. I probably would have totally freaked out, passed out and died. I don't mind going into the ocean and such, but I am careful of where it is. If I know there are sharks in the area, you won't catch me in the waters. Give me a pool instead. This way I know I'm away from any fish or mammals. The only thing I have to watch for then is the husband.
Mare said:
this is why I don't go snorkeling...No matter where I live...

WHEW! You're right. Thank gawd some more of the millions in the water didn't get attacked ;)
drkavnger99 said:
No one saved me any shark steak :crying4:

:devious: Oh well I'll just have to go snorkeling myself and catch one :crutch:

May I join you? I'll bring the bait
