Shaved Head


New Member
I found a pic of me with the back of my head shaved and part of the sides.

I miss these girls so much. It's hard to see them any more because they live so far away. :(


Oh ya, I am on the far left with the ribbon thingies in my hair.
Nah. It should be back within the last two years.

Lissa, Was this during the height of the car accident recovery phase?
It was about a year after the accident so I was still recovering.

BTW Staf...In the late eighties, I was in elementary school.
PrincessLissa said:
I found a pic of me with the back of my head shaved and part of the sides.

I miss these girls so much. It's hard to see them any more because they live so far away. :(


Oh ya, I am on the far left with the ribbon thingies in my hair.

cool pic. hope you can one day get in touch with them