Shitload of Prom Pics


New Member
Here ya go. Sorry about the quality.

-Me and Dad
-Me and the stepdad
-Just me
-Me and Doug (brother)
-Me attempting to pin on the butineer (sp) Also a good shot of the back of the dress
Inkara1 said:
Did anyone besides me misread "prom" for "pr0n"? :eek:


Nuh uh. Just you. Yeah.


PS You look absolutely lovely Fluer, hope you had a wonderful time!!
nope. Fluer you looked quite happy in those shots. did ya have a good time? you did look quite pretty too
[billy crystal] you look maaarvellous![/billy crystal]
the dress is very pretty. did you enjoy yourself?
Very pretty fleur :)

Just out of curiosity.......wot's the matter with Doug? Poor dude looks like he got some major greasy hair :( Is it a medical problem?
What she said must be OK. Luis and Leslie haven't edited it yet, and those two are quick at that sort of thing.