Shooting at Los Angeles airport

I just saw that .. my mom left for the mainland this morning ... wish she wouldn't have had to fly today of all days .. *sigh* .. I just hope she's alright ...
Originally posted by unclehobart
This is different from other days ... how?

hobart the hermit ... what rock have you been under for the last year? :p

It's just a little more tense today .. you know, America's Birthday ... weird people do weird things everyday .. but when it involves Patriotism and all that crap (don't give me shit about saying "crap" in relation to Patriotism you Patriotic people out there ... been there .. done that :D), even the people you think who are normal are weird ...
Originally posted by unclehobart
Tense only because the media has its panties in a twist. Its just another day.

not when it's my mom up in the air, it isn't ...
Rene? Ooo. On a real name basis, I see.

Someone tell me why with all those hari crishnas there, he'd choose to shoot anyone else?
At least Americans have a military and police force out in force to protect them. If there was actually a threat to Canada we'd be screwed... no military... no sophisticated FBI... *envy* :D
Why on earth would a terrorist attack anything in Canada. That would just call attention to their bases here.
Originally posted by unclehobart
Damn, Rene... youve had like 60 posts today.

I can't believe you went there, Jonathan ... by the way, you spelled it incorrectly .. the femme version, remember? :p
Originally posted by Professur
Rene? Ooo. On a real name basis, I see.

Actually, Nalani is my real first name ... Jonathan was referring to my middle name which is only used by my mother in conjunction with my first and last names when I'm in trouble .. til this day, I might add :D
Originally posted by nalani
I just saw that .. my mom left for the mainland this morning ... wish she wouldn't have had to fly today of all days .. *sigh* .. I just hope she's alright ...

nal does she have a cel phone or pager you can call to see if shes ok? hope she is if not(and i truly hope by saying it that way, that you arent upset by it i mean no harm in syaing it that way.) were all here for ya. i didnt know nalani was your real first name thats cool. unc arent you being a little hard on her feelings i mean she has a right to worry about her mother especially after 9/11 and now this. but i will agree to your statement of the media having its panties in a twist but to nal its not jsut another day cause someone she cares for very deeply is there. nal again hope all is ok.
thank you, freak for your kind words :)

I haven't heard from her yet but that's not unusual .. for these kinds of trips she rarely gets time to get to a phone .. but I'm positive that she'll check in at least once this week.

don't be too hard on unc ... he does mean well ... he knows me well enough to know that I know that of him .. (did that make any sense whatsoever? :D)
Originally posted by Professur
So any more news on this?

Fox Story

So far it doesn't look like he was connected to any overseas terrorist group. Possible connections to the US Postal Service are still being investigated...