[size=+1]Wal-Mart: Always Low Prices at a High Cost - U.S. Jobs[/size][font=Arial,helvetica,sans-serif][font=Arial,Helvetica]Wal-Mart promises lower prices. What's the real cost to American working families? [/font][/font]
[font=Arial,helvetica,sans-serif][font=Arial,Helvetica]Lower Wages - More Imports - Lost U.S. Jobs [/font][/font]
[font=Arial,helvetica,sans-serif][font=Arial,Helvetica]Check Wal-Mart's record: [/font][/font]
[font=Arial,helvetica,sans-serif][font=Arial,Helvetica]Three existing local jobs are destroyed for every two new jobs at a Wal-Mart. Community-based businesses and the thousands of jobs that they create are swallowed up when Wal-Mart comes to the neighborhood.[/font][/font]
[font=Arial,helvetica,sans-serif][font=Arial,Helvetica]80% of Wal-Mart tagged garments are imports, while the national average is only 55%. Thousands of working families have lost their jobs to overseas sweatshops. [/font][/font]
[font=Arial,helvetica,sans-serif][font=Arial,Helvetica]Lower wages are forced on manufacturing employees because of Wal-Mart demands on suppliers. That's what happen to Briggs & Stratton workers. They had to make concessions because the company's prices were dictated by discount department store chains like Wal-Mart. [/font][/font]
[font=Arial,helvetica,sans-serif][font=Arial,Helvetica]U.S. manufacturers are forced to cut jobs or close their doors when Wal-Mart replaces their products with imports. That's what happened to Master Lock after Wal-Mart dropped the lock company's products, and that's why Brown Shoe Company workers lost their jobs when stores like Wal-Mart switched to more imported shoes. [/font][/font]
[font=Arial,helvetica,sans-serif][font=Arial,Helvetica]Be a good neighbor. Shop at stores that pay living wages and that provide good family health benefits. Use your consumer dollars to create good jobs in your community and keep jobs in the U.S. [/font][/font]
Check out Wal-Mart Watch .