Should all citizens have their vote counted?


Is it more important to count all the provisional votes knowing that a few might not be properly registered, or is it more important to quash provisional ballots making sure no unqualified vote goes though even though many legitimate votes are thrown out?
Should all citizens have their vote counted?

No. If one isn't capable of registering before the election & if one isn't capable of voting in their district/precinct because they are too stupid, they should forfeit their vote.

I've lived in 4 states since I was of voting age. I've managed to figure out the system in all 4 states, before election day & I've figured out where my polling place was. It isn't difficult.
33 votes seperate our gubernatorial candidates.

They are counting the provisional ballots. The republican party intervened in the democratic suit to keep the provisional ballots being counted but the democrats won that court battle (so far).

So you see your party is not above legal wrangling either