Should first ammendment rights extend to kids in school?


Well-Known Member
The other day i heard some kid cussed out his high school principle with a string of four letter words and his parents claimed he shouldn't be disciplened as he was protected by the first amendment. Sure enough profanity is not a crime. What do you think?
I was going to make this a poll but i'm just going to leave it open since i don't know what exact question to ask.
I think if I heard that one of my kids cussed out a teacher, I'd be whacking the kid across the back of the head and feeding them some jalapeno juice. But that's just me. Now, if the teacher was being a dumbass, then perhaps he deserved it, but the school would still be able to apply the appropriate punishment to the child, and I would make sure the teacher got his for being a dumbass, all through the system of course.
There is a difference between first amendment rights and disciplinable offenses. Kids are (ostensibly) in school to learn. One thing many of them need to learn is some things are not acceptable behaviour in some circumstances. Even if the teacher is a dumbass.
good question hex. my take is this. students should have first amendment rights BUT they do not have the right to be disrespectful. if the teacher is being a dumbass talk to some higher authorities if you have to or talk to the teacher directly. dont go disrespecting anyone. thats my take on it
Parents need to teach their kids respect, especially to elders. Sure profanity is a freedom, but not at school.
There are limits on the "freedom" of speech. You can't slander someone, you can't yell "fire!" in a theater, and you can't cuss out your elementary teacher. Putting restrictions on this constitutionally guaranteed freedom isn't unprecedented, so I don't see why there should be any difficulty in deciding this case.
As minors, children should not be protected, individually, by the rights afforded adults. They are, by parental proxy, given basic rights & dignity.

I like PT's punishment.
I think the kids should be issued sidearms so they can shoot their dumbass teachers and avoid getting in trouble for cussing....:retard: No...wait...thats not what I think at all!...Damn these voices!...:crying3:
Gonz said:
As minors, children should not be protected, individually, by the rights afforded adults. They are, by parental proxy, given basic rights & dignity.

I like PT's punishment.

Fire Sauce from Taco Bell works even better cause you give them the packet and tell them to do it. :wink2:

Only one problem though, the oldest boy likes the shit. :eh: