Should Guns be outlawed?


New Member
I chose that title, because it is snappy, but I was really thinking in more general terms. If an object,lets call it has x, has negative social side effects, would the banning of x, reduce the side effects or increase them? Im thinking guns, alcohol, drugs, etc.

I'm going for no, just look at prohibition era USA.
What you said. Prohibition just encourages the use of whatever is prohibited. That goes for the online world as well as the real world.
Mulletron said:
If an object,lets call it has x, has negative social side effects, would the banning of x, reduce the side effects or increase them?

BAN AUTOMOBILES!!! oh, and kill CNN too
If an object,lets call it has x, has negative social side effects, would the banning of x, reduce the side effects or increase them?
No. Everything has positive and negative effects.


Scary as it is, I agree with the little fuck. The only control needed for guns is good parenting.

Didya know there's a town in the States where it's illegal for an adult to not own a gun. The idea being that who the fuck is gonna try to hold up a bank, a store, or invade a house knowing with absolute certainty that there's a gun on the other side waiting for him.
Here's another interesting tidbit...

Since banning the firearm, the United Kingdom's violent crime rate went up around 150%...
Professur said:
the little fuck
while I'm just thrilled with how this thread is going so far...I just want to say that we're not going to go there anymore...let's just call him Jeslek :)

ok guys, carry on! :headbang:
flurffmeister said:
What you said. Prohibition just encourages the use of whatever is prohibited. That goes for the online world as well as the real world.

yes i agree with that

Jeslek said:
No. Everything has positive and negative effects.


im against it for the idea of protecting the ones you love and also with proper training as ive said. plus it is in the Constitution(American i dont know too much about the rest of the world) 2nd amendment
I'm respectfully asking...can we please cut out the unnecessary name calling? Please? :)