Should I or shouldn't I...

Stop Laughing

New Member
get a second job at the bowling alley for nights if they're available. I really don't do much after I get home from work (except come here though) and extra money would be nice. Plus, I'd get to learn more about the bowling alleys I've worked leagues and tournaments through like the mechanics of all of it. One big problem would be transportation as I don't drive, even though I could get to the bowling quickly after work by bus, the only route that would get me close to my house would be about half a mile from my house, and I'm sure that after working 2 jobs I won't like walking that far, and that's if I can get out quickly, otherwise it's a few miles from home as those routes end around 10:30 and I'd have to get a ride or something. On top of that, I work at the latest 8 AM on weekdays and even earlier than that on Thursdays (7 AM) and Fridays (6:30 AM sometimes, not always). If I have to, I may be able to back up my day hours as I don't absolutely have to be there when we open or both warehouse days, but the earlier I get in the more work I can get done. I'll probably go to the bowling alley tomorrow night and ask what they're looking for so this may all be moot if they don't have night hours but if they have the hours available, should I go for it? I'm just not that sure... seem to like bowling and who hates extra green American dollars. If you gots the time then its a no brainer.
There are two ways to look at it. One way says, party when you're young, coz you never know if you'll be able to when you're old(if you live that long). The other says to work your ass off when you're young and have the energy, then you can take it easy when you're older. Which do you really want to do?
i think you should spend your time enjoying yourself...but, if you'll forgive me, it doesn't sound like you are doing this. the second job is a good way to get you out of the house into an environment that you know you already dig and you can meet people that most likely enjoy similar things. and there may be chicks there!
I know and most of you know, I'm not really a party type, that's just how I am. Well, as for getting out of the house, a bar's gonna open soon right across the street from me and I might make it a hangout, I already know a couple of coworkers who are also looking forward to it opening too. I don't drive not cause I can't afford it (I could, but it'd be tight) but cause I never bothered to get my license, and getting time for it now isn't easy, no way I'm getting any time off until next year at the earliest now. Mostly because of this, I'm leaning heavily into not getting the job because the transportation would be such a headache that it just wouldn't be worth it in the long run. The bus schedules are just weird in that only certain routes run past 7 and the closest I'd get to the house would still be on the other side of a tollway. If I was able to get light hours I might be able to pull it off, but I highly doubt that's what they're looking for as many leagues run late and they're looking for someone to run the machines in back.
Prof nailed it (well half of it)
Go to night school!
Go make something of yourself when your young
cuz your gonna be old alot longer than your gonna be young!

Heck get yourself set financially as soon as possible
then you won't end up an old bitter biddy.
School and I don't get along. I never figured out why I couldn't make myself do the work (I'm sure I'm smart enough, it's some other part of my brain that doesn't work right) to get through it and I just don't want to throw the money away again unless I'm sure I can do it. As for saving up, I'm already enrolled in profit sharing and employee stock purchasing (buy it at immediate 15% discount every month) and that'll add up over time. I do have more I can afford to invest, but I do have a couple of plans I want to get out of the way before I do that, one may or may not be to someday move out of this dump...
Well one thing that will be sure to get you ahead $ wise is to own then pay off a home.
It really isn't that hard over time to do it.
Not having to pay (well except for property taxes and home insurance) for the roof over your head really makes a difference.
Sorry to hear about school I'm the same way but hey Bill Gates and Mikey Dell are dropouts too lol
Oh and never take a job for what you can earn but for what you can learn. A job in the real estate industry beats a bowling alley unless you're planning to go on the women's pro tour lol

Try to find a job where you can learn to do what the business does. A think about this one.
I know people on the pro tours, met Brian Voss earlier this year when he hosted a free clinic for both kids and adults one weekend, helped me fix my approach big time. I know of bowling on a really different level: I'm a board member of both the Chicago Metro junior bowlers (will merge with men and women's associations next year so we'll all be one big board) and the Illinois State junior bowlers. Basically I'm a tournament director and have several neat projects coming soon. One tournament I'm the associate director for is the Pepsi tournament for the Cook and Lake county zones, and we're gonna have over 1100 bowlers go through in just 2 days this year. :eek: My job's gonna be to hook it all up so I can download all of the scores and save a huge shitload of paperwork and get results in just a matter of hours (the rules say I got 30 days, with smaller tournaments I'm done in 30 minutes :cool: ). That reminds me, I gotta get started on that soon too...

As for work, I'm sure if I get around to getting a car I'll be able to get into management, I know more about running the store than any of our assistants really and the guy who hired me more than 5 years ago is the pharmacy supervisor for the whole district and would certainly give me a big push if I asked. He's been at our store the last few days because since we bought out Orange Drugs down the street from us our pharmacy business has more than doubled and they haven't had enough time to get enough extra employees back there yet so he's had to fill in himself a bit. I would love to work towards being a store manager, I know I could do that, and while they put in very long hours, that position pays very well.
Stop Laughing said:
School and I don't get along. I never figured out why I couldn't make myself do the work (I'm sure I'm smart enough, it's some other part of my brain that doesn't work right) to get through it and I just don't want to throw the money away again unless I'm sure I can do it.

You probably haven't found something that really interests you, afaik you're good at math, try physics-mathematics.
Stop Laughing said:
School and I don't get along. I never figured out why I couldn't make myself do the work (I'm sure I'm smart enough, it's some other part of my brain that doesn't work right) to get through it and I just don't want to throw the money away again unless I'm sure I can do it. ...

I had a similar problem. School was too damn easy, and couldn't hold my attention. So, I got chucked out, and worked a totally shit job for a totally shit boss for two years. Then I went back to school, with a very clear idea of what awaited me if I didn't knuckle under. Highly motivated, I pulled 2 degrees in a year, and went back out into a much more friendly work force.