Should I use the Asus, or the Soyo?


Well-Known Member
I posed this question over at HWC, but have gotten many replies.
I know one or 2 here have the soyo board, but I don't know about the asus....

I'm going to be building a secondary/main system to replace
my p4t533 sys. (I think???)
I have an ASUS P4P800, and a Soyo SY-P4I865PE Plus DRAGON 2
Both have the 865PE chipset.

Which on would be the best?

I've notice on the Asus site that the only p4p800 boards
have like revisions after them like p4p800s, or deluxe....
This board is just plain p4p800. It has features like the "s",
or "Deluxe" like the raid. Is that board still mfg, or is it on
it's way out?
haven't bought a MB in almost a year (but need to soon)

check the reviews/guides/forums at this site anandtech

they probably have something on both boards and good pricing guides on the most recent ones too
man I've read reviews on both 'til I'm tired of reading.
I just need some input now.
Prices? I already have both boards. I'm just looking for someone
whos has been using them for a while now, with some input on the
performance. Not a tests for a couple of days review on a site. :confused:
I'd take the Asus, hands down. I'm buying an Asus mobo soon myself.

(2000 posts... Yay.)
The Asus.

I have two of the P4C-800E, they just ROCK!!!

If you do any OC'ing they have independat timings for the CPU, RAM and PCI etc. (you can overclock your CPU whil;e not changing your HDD speed, you wont burn-up other hardware.)

The AI-BIOS options are great and detailed. it even has switch that makes 10%, 20%, and 30% overclocks with one simple BIOS switch, (crappy OC thoo, slow RAM timings etc.)

ASUS has never disappointed me for a MoBo.
Gonz said:
Buy another P4 & use them both
Well what I'm going to get is a "P4-2.8-800", and a "cel-2.6 or 2.8-400"
I can't afford 2 real p4s right now, and I'm trying to decided which board
to put the good chip on.
I'm thinking the Asus may overclock better, and so I might put the cel on it
to overclock, if the 2 boards are mostly comparable at stock.
I don't want to OC the real P4...yet anyway.
My Soyo board has been smooth and stable thus far. I haven't tried to overclock with it though.

Of course, the built-in sound on the Soyo sucks a big fat one, so I'll be upgrading my sound card as soon as I can.
Inkara1 said:
My Soyo board has been smooth and stable thus far. I haven't tried to overclock with it though.

Of course, the built-in sound on the Soyo sucks a big fat one, so I'll be upgrading my sound card as soon as I can.

It must be your speakers Ink. I get great sound, running it on even 4ch-
using 2 sets of 2.1 Altecs. :confused:
I'm using the same speakers as I had before (an an Ensoniq card) and the sound is a definite step down.