Sick and twisted...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Here we have a teacher...err...had a teacher...who decided that sex with an 8th grader was okay. Now we see that the teacher is branded a sexual predator (rightly so). Said teacher now says that she is not a predator because that label would seperate her from her daughter. Why wasn't she thinking that when she was boinking the underaged boy (who, as an added twist, was an illegal alien)?
Arenas said the woman admitted having a sexual relationship with the boy but felt it was unfair that she would be branded a predator and separated from her 8-year-old daughter.

"She said her life was basically over, but if she had a chance to do things differently she wouldn't," he told the AP.

And what precisely makes it unfair, Toots? Is it because you're female? But you would likely march the main streets for equal rights, wouldn't ya? Well, welcome to equal, hon. You're a pervert. You are no better than that parade of losers Chris Hanson got famous for mouthing off to.

To become a teacher, presumably one must complete a college degree. Regardless of your major, almost everyone is required to take an intro level psych class. Education majors most assuredly take more than that. In one of those psych classes, I am rather comfortable that the notion of "naturally occurring consequences to behavior" was mentioned. Maybe you missed those multiple choice questions on the exam...who knows, might have been out trolling for sex at Chuck E. Cheese the night before...I dunno. But I am reasonably sure the concept is not a completely new one for you. Not now, at least, huh? But just in case, allow me to summarize it for you. If you choose to engage in certain behaviors, you must expect certain consequences to follow. Place your hand on a hot stove eye, you will receive a painful burn. Eat 27 Almond Joys a day, you might gain a pound or three. Boink an 8th grader, you might get arrested, leading to a separation from your daughter, whose father I pray is at least out of high school by now.

And after all that, you have the gall to say that you would do the same thing again...but you aen't a predator. Gee, you must be some kind of special there sweetie. Every known fact about pedophiles fails to apply to you. Why, I guess we ought to just release you, issue an apology for making you miss the CMA awards on TV, and let you get right back to work, huh?

Here's a better idea. How about we lock your depraved ass up for awhile, with several mothers who are also feeling separated from their kids but who just might want to discuss your teaching methods with you for awhile. Then we can humiliate you in public as we try your case. Then you can go on to prison for a few years. Maybe long enough for your boitoi to be old enough to get his learner's permit, wouldn't that be just the coolest? Then we can put your name, address, photo, and place of employment on the sex offender registry, where anybody who wants to can keep track of you, throw garbage in your yard, tack signs to the tree at the end of your driveway, just make your life as unpleasant as possible. We'll treat you like a lab rat in sex offender treatment courses, give you more hoops to jump through than a circus animal, and let you have supervised telephone contact with your daughter every now and again. And still, it ain't all you deserve.

Welcome to the land of the miserable. Enjoy your stay, with any luck it'll last a lifetime.
but if she had a chance to do things differently she wouldn't

There goes any possiblity of apology. Because, as we all know, justice is served if the defendent apologizes & acts remorseful.
So you shouldn't be a sexual predator when you show no remorse, and admit you would do the same again if circumstances permitted?