silly romance quiz

What is romance?

  • A precursor to sex

You are not romantic. Don't worry - this means you probably spend your time in more productive pursuits than daydreaming of fairytale love. And, just in case you wondered, you probably annoy your friends far less than your more romantic companions.
Twice a year my wife allows me to look at her left boob, the deformed one
I answered the first couple, got up to the wedding question, and gave up. They didn't have any of the right answers for me - don't want to get married, don't like trite valentines gifts, hell, I don't even remember valentines day when it rolls around. Guess I must be completely hopeless. :shrug:
Mills & Boon is not your style. But you can still be smooth. You turn the charm on like a tap.

:rofl4: me with charm?! HAHAHAHAHA :rofl:
BeardofPants said:
I answered the first couple, got up to the wedding question, and gave up.

that's where i nearly gave up.....there was no "not being there" answer to my idea of a perfect wedding :eh: