Sister in Law BS


New Member
After the horrible Christmas fiasco, my soon to be sister-in-law has done it again. Not only is Miranda acting cold to me and purposly not including me in family events, she is acting jealous because her mom had a picture of Alexandria on her shelf next to the 40 or so of Miranda's son Nick. Now here is the kicker. A few moths ago, after pubically announcing to everyone that would listen that I was apart of her family now and she was going to be an auntie (after telling everyone how jealous she was that I was having a baby), she announced to me and several other people that she would be throwing my baby shower. Well, I never heard anything more and just figured that she was waiting till the end of this quarter in school to start all the planning. Erik was talking to her last night a bit about baby showers ansd she said "Well I had to throw myself one, so you guys could do that". I could not believe that she would say that. I am not sure what her mental damage is this time, but I have had enough of it. I tempted to write her an e-mail that says:

I AM apart of your brother's life so deal with it. I AM apart of your family and your mother happens to have a daughter in law now that she is fond of, get over it. Your mother also happens to love my daughter and there is nothing you can do about it. There is NO possible way to filter me out of your life so please stop trying.
But then she will cry and go off the handle and relay even more stupid messages to me through her mom. This girl hates confrontation. Last time I confronted her about why she was upset with me, it took her 3 days to come up with an answer that took me about 30 seconds to tear down and again ask her what was really wrong. SHe immediatly appologized and said that she didn't know what was wrong. UGH!

I am tired of over looking and pretending not to see all the stupid shit she pulls on everyone. I am tired of other people letting her. This is the end of the rope. I will treat her how she is treating me and when she gets all but thurt and starts crying about how horrible i am to just start treating her this way without an explanation, it will ALL blow up in her face and she will get hit hard with all the stupid shit she thinks she is getting away with. Small doses of reality do not work with this bitch. SHe needs it all at once and this is the only way I can think of to do it.

Break out the kiddie pool, half fill it with either baby oil, or jello, and get the boy a good camera. Then have at the bitch.
Lissa, it's not for you to do. It's for him to do. Part of that whole man thing.
Why is it his responsibility to tell his sister that I am upset about the whole Baby Shower thing?

He has talked to her as much as he can about the rest of it. The rest is up to her to open her eyes and quit being a tard. Her mom has even talked to her about it.
kuulani said:
*backs you up*

I agree

If you are going to be part of your sig other's family then if you're pissed with them you tell them. Don't make your man do's not like you're just dating or something. If he WANTS to get involved (which it seems he does since he talked to her) then fine...but he should not be forced to get into it with his sister when it's your beef.

Now, if he was constantly siding with them against you that is another story...but I can see that isn't the case here.

I'd say confront her.
i you want to have a close relationship with her? if she isn't the type to follow through than maybe you are better off throwing your own shower and not having her flakiness impede your life....just a thought.
tonksy said:
i you want to have a close relationship with her? if she isn't the type to follow through than maybe you are better off throwing your own shower and not having her flakiness impede your life....just a thought.

We had a friendship, not really close, but we still had one. It would have been nice to keep it, but she is psycho and I don't really care too much anymore. SHe is very flakely and out right mean. SHe only likes to do things if it has a positive outcome for herself AND makes other people jealuos.

I am going to ask my mom to help me host a shower at out apartment so that it doesn't look like I am simply fishing for gifts. I am thinking I will send out invites from my mom and take all the RSVP and have everyone bring a small potluck dish it should be okay. I really just want to see all my friends and celebrate. I don't care if they bring gifts or not. But if I have my mom "throw" it I won't look greedy.
Professur said:
Break out the kiddie pool, half fill it with either baby oil, or jello, and get the boy a good camera. Then have at the bitch.

I dunno if you would like that. She has the body of a twelve year old boy. She still can't fit into the Mary Kate and Ashley training bras and the look is more complete with her recenlty shaved head.
If you do write that e-mail, make sure you use "a part" and "apart" right. Failure to do so could completely change the meaning of your statement.