Six years on from 9/11/01


Well-Known Member
Never Forget those innocents who lost their lives six years ago and the heros who sacrificed their lives to save them!

Never Surrender to the evil who would hope to slaughter more!

Six years on, most Americans are now pretty certain what they’ll wake up to in the morning: There’ll be a thwarted terrorist plot somewhere or other – last week, it was Germany. Occasionally, one will succeed somewhere or other, on the far horizon – in Bali, Istanbul, Madrid, London. But not many folks expect to switch on the TV this Tuesday morning, as they did that Tuesday morning, and see smoke billowing from Atlanta or Phoenix or Seattle.

But, in the six years since President Bush declared that America was in a "war on terror," there has been in America no terrorism.

In theory, the administration ought to derive a political benefit from this: The president has "kept America safe." But, in practice, the placidity of the domestic front diminishes the chosen rationale of the conflict: if a "war on terror" has no terror, who says there’s a war at all?

Of course, if tomorrow there’s a big smoking hole where the Empire State Building used to be, we’ll be back to: "The president should have known! This proves the failure of his policies over the last six years! We need another all-star commission filled with retired grandees!"

On this sixth anniversary, as 9/11 retreats into history, many Americans see no war at all.
But, in the six years since President Bush declared that America was in a "war on terror," there has been in America no terrorism.

There hasn't been a plague of locusts either...

I'm not quite prepared to give Bush the credit for a six years of no terror attacks. First off, I'm not so sure there haven't been other terror attacks. I distinctly recall the Muslim dude who drove his SUV through a crowd of people in North Carolina (in the name of and for the glory of Allah or whatever his reason was). No, there hasn't been anything on the scale of 9/11/01, but I believe there have been attacks. And if you're ready to give W the credit for six years without an attack, you better be ready to blame him if there's one tomorrow.

Secondly, as I point out in his defense when I feel it's warranted, he isn't solely to blame OR credit. He is one man. One man with a powerful position, but one man nonetheless. It's like saying Peyton Manning won last year's Super Bowl. Yes, he was on the winning team, but he had a lot of help. Without those five enormous bodies in front of him, and five more to catch the passes he throws, he does nothing. Same with Bush or any leader. He is as good or as bad as his foot soldiers.

While I certainly join most Americans in memorializing the victims of that awful attack on the anniversary, and while I wholeheartedly pray for those responsible to be brought to a just vengeance, I stop short of cheerleading for W on this one. I feel he has handled the crisis far better than could have any of his opponents, chiefly Al "I invented the internet" Gore, and that his handling of the matter deserves support regardless of personal political affiliation, but this is a bit too far for my reasoning. Instead, I'll sadly recall the events of that day, the emotions it stired inside me, the reactions I felt, and what I consider to be the proper pursuit of the evil people who did those deeds. I'll let the president do his job, and I'll let the soldiers do theirs, and I'd like to see Congress do theirs a little better but won't stand on one leg waiting for it to happen. My role is that of a citizen, with all rights, duties, and responsibilities pertaining thereunto. I'll do that.

I want to make myself clear, right from the get-go: I hate terrorism. Those of you who follow the Factor know that I have never been a fan. Never will be either. I think what they do, particularly to children, violence-wise, is unforgivable.

That said, I'm beginning to suspect that we've been going about this War on Terror all wrong. Before, I said we should treat the terrorists like the vile dogs that they are. But even vile dogs respond well to getting patted once in a while. So perhaps the best way to stop these jihadists from destroying our way of life is to do what the liberals have been proposing all along: start coddling them.

Seems yours truly is going back over there for another stint. CNN was even here to film the outprocessing. I don't know if I'll escape the editors, or when it will air, but I'm the only balding black guy with glasses.