Sixty Million


molṑn labé
Staff member
Four hundred Eighty thousand votes
I still can't get over New York state, (where all the money is? no?) being a mostly Democratic state. :confuse3:
Ever been to DC Winky? It's not surprising.

Mostly Dem in NY? The City & the I84 corridor to Albany is (D). The rest is red.
Gonz said:
Ever been to DC Winky? It's not surprising.

Mostly Dem in NY? The City & the I84 corridor to Albany is (D). The rest is red.
Question is still valid. All the money is in the city. The trick is, Les, that all the money is in the hands of about 10% of the people (and you can guess how they vote :) ). Upstate is a good deal more conservative than the city though.
chcr said:
Question is still valid. All the money is in the city. The trick is, Les, that all the money is in the hands of about 10% of the people (and you can guess how they vote :) ). Upstate is a good deal more conservative than the city though.
I see, I see.
Well I heard DC hasn’t lost it's murder capital status yet well they need to try harder then don't they?
I simply can not read through that list and not think of the two things
the cities on the list have in common? Can you think of what those two things might be? Hmmmmmm?????

Oh My goodness look at Honolulu must be an exception huh?