

Well-Known Member
Anyone using it? The boss wants to start video confrencing with us now, instead of travelling to our office.
Wow, sounds like this guy is ready to join...

The nineties?!?

Make 'em do it so you don't have to put up
with him in person.

Oh and go with a high-end commercial solution
so it works well and he likes it and you continue to
not have to put up with him in person.

What kinda bandwidth (internet) do you have available?
DSL. He's got a t1 on his end, tho.

We set it up on a pair of machines here, but only one has a webcam, and (yes, all the settings are correct) we can't get video from one to the other. If anyone out there has skype and would like to help us test.

although, I'm not sure how it works for long distance.
Professur said:
DSL. He's got a t1 on his end, tho.

We set it up on a pair of machines here, but only one has a webcam, and (yes, all the settings are correct) we can't get video from one to the other. If anyone out there has skype and would like to help us test.

although, I'm not sure how it works for long distance. :shrug:
Thanks AB. I didn't think my machine being W2K would matter, since I wasn't the one with the camera, but it was the problem. Upgrding to the 2.5beta solved it.
We video conference at work but I've never been involved in one and don't know what they use to do it :shrug:
On that they sent out an email they're buying a new TV for the conferencing...and putting the old one in the lunchroom to watch world cup soccer on...the conferencing is only part of the reason for the new TV, the other part is so world cup soccer can be watched without tying up the boardrooms :D
Inkara1 said:
Idiots! You buy the new TV and use that to watch sports on! Not the other way around!

Uh, that would be a bit extreme even for us.