Slipping & sliding


molṑn labé
Staff member
FRESNO, Calif. (AP) - When school officials announce the name of the Fresno High School prom king on Saturday, Cinthia Covarrubias will be wearing a tuxedo just like the six boys vying for the honor.

School officials this week added the 17-year-old's name to the ballot for prom king, reversing a previous district protocol that allowed only males to run for king and females for prom queen.

Gay youth advocates called it a landmark victory for campus gender expression and said they believe it's the first time in the U.S. that an openly transgender student has run for prom royalty.


Do I really need to say anything?
Your news is old. Her classmates voted for someone else to be king instead.

I find myself agreeing with this quote, fromt he story I linked to...

"It puts them all in an awkward position," Giles said. "I don't have a problem with her sexual identity. Tolerance has grown, but why does she need to make things awkward for the other kids? There's a time and place to make a stand. To me, this isn't it."