Smells hot


New Member
I've been noticing a hot smell eminating from my comp lately and the case has been hot to the touch.I just figured out why,the switch on the back of the power supply to alternate fan speeds was turned off,thats right no cooling of the PSU at all :eek5: and I leave the comp on 24/7.:eek3:

If I disappear its because the comp died/blew up.

VolcanoII/RadioShack paste
1.2ghz 266DDR T-bird @ 1.4
Maxtor 60GB
Maxtor 30GB
384 MB PC133
Plextor 712A DVDR-W
Matrox G450 32MB AGP
Viewsonic G90f 19"
I had a fan go out on a Coolmax PSU one time. It didn't go out completely,
but it got real hot, and I was getting errors.:shrug:
I had that happen on a cheaper PSU, and it destroyed most of the other hardware.:(
Ours was doing that during the recent heat wave. I guess it just couldn't cope.